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2020 Football Season

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--- Quote from: ELPENGUIN on May 23, 2020, 04:25:15 AM ---
administrators, as a minority who does not believe radical right wingers. Please take Penguin Power of the air. He  or she is a negative asset to a sports site.

--- End quote ---
Certainly seems like the “solution” being implemented by big tech is to silence certain types of opinions that goes against a certain narrative. The beautiful thing of our country is our freedom of speech. There is plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle spewed on social media every hour. We don’t need a thought police from big tech or admins on this website to silence certain types of opinions. We need educated Americans who can see through the crap and research information to make informed opinions. Cmon man.

Please move this topic to general bs forum. It doesn't belong in the sports topic.

Double ET:
From today’s Vindy/Tribune on YSU football topics:


Joe Bernastat:
I find penguinpower and his posts to be extremely well researched and informative.  I also think that they provide valuable information as it relates to YSU sports.  In the United States of America, on Memorial Day weekend no less, it is bothersome to me that some are calling for him to be censored or silenced because they do not like or agree with his views.  Surely, these folks are not as compassionate and accepting of others as they may purport to be.  However, they do have the choice to simply ignore what they do not agree with. That is what makes the United States of America great.

God Bless the USA!
God Bless all of our veterans and military!
God Bless the Great State of Ohio!
God Bless the Great City of Youngstown!
God Bless Youngstown State University!

Let’s join together to make them all great again!


--- Quote from: ELPENGUIN on May 23, 2020, 04:25:15 AM ---
administrators, as a minority who does not believe radical right wingers. Please take Penguin Power of the air. He  or she is a negative asset to a sports site.

--- End quote ---

Stop with the race crap. I'm not a racist you are acting like one because you had to state the fact you are a minority.  How do you know I am not a minority?  I want the damn season to be played and there are good reasons for it, which, I am pointing out.  I am not a right winger either.  I am a libertarian.  The liberals are now American Communists as so eloquently pointed out by Black Conservative Candice Owens. The communists have taken over the left and the media is complicit. Keep drinking the cool aid. This disease shouldn't be shutting the economy down. There is data to prove it. We need sports to resume immediately.  Don't lack tolerance because I am stating facts that you disagree with. You can't win that argument so do as all the liberals do.....silence people or hide in your safe space.

The 2020 season needs to be played.


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