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YSU vs Illinois St

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Very enjoyable game, nice weather, very good defensive effort. The fair weather fans missed a good game, their loss.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 22, 2019, 11:17:56 PM ---I am going to see Nate Mays before the game & give him his well-deserved standing ovation, along with the rest of this class. These are the last of the pre-Bo players and there is only a couple of them left.

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You were right in your deserved ovation request, but Bo outdid you on this one.  The end of the game tribute was one I've never seen the equal!

Of course Ill St wins their first round game on the road 24-3. Robinson ran for just under 300.


--- Quote from: guinpen on November 30, 2019, 06:15:05 PM ---Of course Ill St wins their first round game on the road 24-3. Robinson ran for just under 300.

--- End quote ---
Robinson must have healed--I read he was only about 50% against us.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: DavedS on November 30, 2019, 08:42:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: guinpen on November 30, 2019, 06:15:05 PM ---Of course Ill St wins their first round game on the road 24-3. Robinson ran for just under 300.

--- End quote ---
Robinson must have healed--I read he was only about 50% against us.

--- End quote ---

If that. You people make me laugh. The worst YSU team (at least on defense) in recent memory and suddenly we became a top-5 club in one week?  :o  We have enormous amounts of work to do to be a real football team. Not too much if we wish to be a Pelini football team. When they have no QB, you can pretty much stop any offense. I mean their QB only completed 3 passes? btw, Robinson did rush for over 80-yards against us at almost 4-yards-per-carry, this despite YSU double-teaming him on every play. Besides SeMO?


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