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South Dakota Week

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https://youtu.be/fkgE7FKBx1M Very interesting press conference by Bo to start the week. I think more then anything the players are not on the same page with the offensive and defensive coordinators. Bo sounds like the players are not doing what is coached , yet these problems only seem to happen in game conditions and not during practice. Originally I thought Kennedy came into punt because of the stronger wind conditions. Turns out Bo was not happy because of a shank by Schuler. Yet Bo never pulls Kennedy when he shanks field goals..Lol..As far as the game goes this is a very important game for S.D..They want desperately to pick up their 3rd conference win before hosting the Bison next week. They are the #1 ranked offense in conference play, but the last ranked defense. They lost their season opener to a pretty decent Kansas St. team by a narrow margin. They seem to be up and down from week to week. The  guins really need to take advantage of these next 2 home games especially With Indiana St. Coming into town next week.  This is a golden opportunity to make a bad feeling and situation a little better, because after that we all know how brutal the last 3 games will be


This will be another L. The players have quit on the coaches.

The YO Show:
I still don't see why he gave up on the regular punter for Kennedy after he has 1 bad punt. Like wow... Just wow...


--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 18, 2018, 01:32:24 AM ---I still don't see why he gave up on the regular punter for Kennedy after he has 1 bad punt. Like wow... Just wow...

--- End quote ---

Yeah its not like a kid blowing his assignment for a play is anything new this year.

I don't like this different rules for different players thing, if this is the case.

On a weirdly positive note, Saturday is our first True must win game of the season. If we win out we’re in the playoffs. Not likely gonna happen. But hey, let’s start with upsetting SD on Saturday and see what happens


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