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Season is over

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Penguin Nick:
After losing to Butler I have lost all enthusiasm.  Went to the WVU game last week, stayed the night and had a great time.  But I have no interest in Valpo and will not go to the game.

go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on September 12, 2018, 11:26:30 AM ---After losing to Butler I have lost all enthusiasm.  Went to the WVU game last week, stayed the night and had a great time.  But I have no interest in Valpo and will not go to the game.

--- End quote ---
In all honesty, I have no interest in Valpo but am going to support the program and the kids.  That Butler fiasco really disappointed me, but would have been much worse for the players.  I've supported some bad teams over the years, this one has had a huge disappointing loss, no doubt, but WVU has a very good team and that loss concerns me much less.  Farrar and VanGoder along with McCaster and Turner give me reason to be optimistic on the offensive side.  Still need a pass rush on the D side.  Me? I'm moving somebody like Richmond to LB and blitz coming off the bus.  WVU receivers are NFL good, but our DB's can't hold up if no pressure.  Whatever it takes to get pressure on the QB. 

IAA Fan:
How can you even conceivably say that you have no interest in Valpo, against a team that lost to Butler? If you are looking for a competitive game, this seems to be it. Furthermore, if things do not improve, this will the the only game we can win this season and that is far from certain. From a location perspective; do you have any more interest in a team from the Dakota's? I certainly do not.

The YO Show:
Well normally I would be more interested in playing a team from the Dakotas... But not this year because I am not sure we will be very competitive in such a game.

As to the other comment, while I understand what you're trying to do IAA (get people to not give up on the team), I can't help but say I think it is a very big problem if a game against valpo is being called a competitive game for the team.

 Not saying not to respect everyone we play but if this game is competitive rather than showing an improvement and being a blowout, you can kiss the fan base goodbye this season.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on September 12, 2018, 12:04:33 PM ---How can you even conceivably say that you have no interest in Valpo, against a team that lost to Butler? If you are looking for a competitive game, this seems to be it. Furthermore, if things do not improve, this will the the only game we can win this season and that is far from certain. From a location perspective; do you have any more interest in a team from the Dakota's? I certainly do not.

--- End quote ---
Boy, we go from 6 to 8 wins and in the last 7 minutes of the Butler game we go to "maybe 1 win". 
A lot of black and white in a world that is actually pretty gray!
Number 5 Michigan lost to App. State which was the college "upset of the century" and they still one 8 regular season games and beat Florida in a bowl game.
I have no interest in Valpo because I don't know them at all and don't care to learn and we are going to spank them soundly.  I'd rather play Slippery Rock. I know where they are at least.


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