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Possible Player Suspensions

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Now Craig Haley at Stats FCS has this as their top story.  All the athletic department had to do was issue a statement yesterday saying four players had been suspended, and this thing would not have exploded the way it has.  They wouldn't have had to name the players.  Just release a statement admitting that it happened, instead of appearing as though you are covering it up.  Very disappointed in how they have handled this.

So I've been told that the University cannot name names unless they are indicted or proven guilty in the court of law.  Is this true?  I don't know but I understand being innocent until proven guilty, however in this case aren't they guilty?

I get that I'm playing against the advocate but understand legal matters may supercede everything else


By law, the university can not reveal any personal information about students.  If the names ever officially come out, it will be because the NCAA publicly sanctioned them after due process had been served.  Those folks that have been suggesting that the university is covering up this sad episode by not revealing the names are ignorant about the law.


You are absolutely correct.  A simple statement without names was appropriate and necessary.  Where has Ron Strollo been?  The NCAA would actually communicate with him, not Pelini who really has no role in this sordid drama.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: ytowngirl on December 13, 2016, 03:39:21 PM ---
--- Quote from: YSU1 on December 13, 2016, 03:37:39 PM ---The possession of a firearm is troubling.

--- End quote ---

its an open carry state.  if he didn't have it in his glove box he'd be okay.

--- End quote ---

Again, assuming it was his gun and legally licensed. He said it was someone not his.


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