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DB Transfer

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IAA Fan:
Is it worth arguing about? How about this:

1. People should not be allowed to participate in collegiate athletics above the age of 22-years (military and religious service participants excluded).

2. People with criminal records (no exceptions please) should not be allowed to attend any college or university; let alone play sports.

3. People should be punished for their crimes, so playing football would not be an issue, as they would be incarcerated at least beyond the age of 22.

BTW, taking a law off the books does not eliminate crime, but simply makes it permissible ...a rather idiotic way of handling things is it not? The purpose of law is to protect citizens from crime and punish offenders; not the other way around.

go guins:
1-AA first of all, anything is worth arguing about 63 days from a game!
1.  Why?  And since that would violate separation of church and state, religious service would be out anyway.
2.  Absolutely not.  Criminal record?  Driving under age is criminal.  Underage drinking in criminal.  And you are saying that there is no hope of rehabilitation, that once a criminal, always a criminal.  That is un-American in my mind.  I't take the LB's with the shooting in the parking deck as transfers if they did it somewhere else and were clear with the law.  But on MY campus, I would expel.  No choice with the lawsuit happy public.

I get the excitement surrounding potential incoming transfers I really do, but let's face it this program has serious cultural issues as it is. Correcting it will be the only way this program gets over the top. Pelini has stated this over and over and said he's going to do something about it, well here is his chance

Kid deserves a shot. No leash though...

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on June 29, 2016, 03:24:51 PM ---Kid deserves a shot. No leash though...

--- End quote ---
Agreed, shot would have been Miramar.  Assault on a fellow student
Maybe a second shot.  That would be FSU BUT that ended in charges of theft
Maybe even a third chance, that would be WVU  BUT domestic violence against his girlfriend (hopefully former GF)

This kid is a 3 time loser, (read abusive punk!)  This kind of trash should be thrown out with the rest of the garbage!
I certainly don't want this kind of kid brought to the local community and absolutely not on my favorite team!  WTF is Pelini thinking of?  (not to mention what are you thinking of Chief?)


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