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Pissed off with Sunday Sports of Vindy!

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Nice job Vindy, instead of YSU all over the center of Sports Section, what do we see, a full color article with extra pics of a kid from Canfield that plays for KENT ST.  YSU, is on the side as filler of the opening of Camp.  I understand its a local kid, BUT HE isn't bigger than the YSU Program. He should have been where YSU was.  NICE Advertisement for KENT ST. VINDY!  I think I will be canceling my subscription.   

GET OVER IT.  Kid is representing what it takes to be a STUDENT athlete and is from the area.  What, should I not care about Fitzgerald Toussaint because he went off to play Big Ten football and not YSU? 


--- Quote from: ysuhoops24 on August 02, 2015, 10:53:04 AM ---GET OVER IT.  Kid is representing what it takes to be a STUDENT athlete and is from the area.  What, should I not care about Fitzgerald Toussaint because he went off to play Big Ten football and not YSU?

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I agree with  YSUGO.  Complete bulllsh** high school mentality by vindy.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: ysuhoops24 on August 02, 2015, 10:53:04 AM ---GET OVER IT.  Kid is representing what it takes to be a STUDENT athlete and is from the area.  What, should I not care about Fitzgerald Toussaint because he went off to play Big Ten football and not YSU?

--- End quote ---
Good point. The kid excels in his academic achievements. Put him on page 1 in academic section of the newspaper. Put him front and center in page 1 of the sports sections when he wins BIG player of the year.

Yes, there is this persistent and annoying small town mentality in which your high school affiliation seems to follow you for the rest of your life.  Probably due to the fact that this is a working class community with few people who attend college.  I enjoy watching high school football, but I care only about local kids who come to YSU.   


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