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State of men’s basketball

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PN,  you are correct. Yet Strollo should have been fired years ago. As inept  as he is as an AD, those in power have shown themselves to be even more inept  in not doing so. Lately, over the  last few years, people have stopped coming to games. I stopped two years ago in coming to BB games. This past season, I missed all of FB. I don't ever plan on coming back  while he is the AD. There are a lot of folks who feel the same way. I go back to the early Tressel years and saw all the championships. I saw most of the BB going back to Rice. But you have to be a clown not to acknowledge something has been seriously wrong since Strollo became AD. Poor coach choices. Poor personal contract administrations. Poor OOC scheduling . Poor promotions. Poor minor sports. His administration over  his time is full of screw-ups and little to show for it  over the years.

People realize they have little say in his retention , so they, like me, resort to their only means of control -- stop buying tickets and coming. No more Penguin Club  seats for me in FB. No tickets to BB. The farce has gone on far too long. I had enough of   poor BB . And while I stopped last season with FB, the latest HC hire is a fiasco, along with his brother and a religious nutbag assistant coach.  The  list will simply  continue to grow as people throw in the towel and walk away from YSU athletics in numbers.   


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on April 08, 2015, 01:18:18 PM ---
--- Quote from: ysuguins4 on April 08, 2015, 12:28:30 PM ---In Slocum's 10 years, the Guins' highest finish in the league was 5th in 06-07.  They've finished 6th 3 times, 7th once, and 9th or 10th the other 5 years.  They have never made it to the semi-finals of the HL tournament, which means they have never won back to back games in the tournament.  As bad as UIC was this past season, they managed to win back to back games and advance to the semi-finals.  Here is the number of semi-final appearances by team over the past 10 years.

Butler - 7
Green Bay - 6
CSU - 6
WSU - 5
Valpo - 5
Milwaukee - 4
Detroit - 3
UIC - 2
Loyola - 2
Oakland - 0 (only been in the league 2 years)

--- End quote ---

Let's use those same teams and list all of them that have a football team that supports more than 8 scholarships? 1 = YSU. You cannot deny it, that changes everything ...top-to-bottom. Hey lobby the NCAA to drop title-IX and when we still have this performance out of MBB ...I will change my vote.

--- End quote ---

I agree that does make it more difficult, but with a good coach it would not be impossible.

As I stated in an earlier post, too much blame for all the concerns people have is placed on Strollo...do you really  think that he had nothing to do with the huge upgrades in the athletic facilities? Beautiful track, and soccer field, perfect little softball venue and all the upgrades to our basketball facility. The WATTS center, though not his baby, occured under his tenure. So if we can blame him for everything under the sun should we not also give him any credit for that building? Coaches make the schedules through their networking, AD's just firm up the dates and the dollars. Ron Strollo is not the problem. Far from it. Our football program went down since Coach JT left because the ensuing coaches werent Coach JT. As far as bad-mouthing Bo, he brought back the Nebraska program after Callahan just about made it irrelevant. Haters are going to hate, and bandwagon jumpers hop on and off depending on success. The plan Strollo had after Robic was a solid one, but it seems the choice was wrong. The next basketball hire will tell the tale..did Strollo not make 2 great hires for our women? Or doesnt he get any credit for that? Everything has improved at YSU except a few team records, yet Strollo gets next to no credit but all of the blame. Blinders dont allow some folks to see the entire picture.

The "tale" has already been "told" . That's a major reason people have left attending YSU games . It will keep going down. The AD is a loser.

It always starts at the top.

like a good friend of mine always says.."He don't know that he don't know"


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