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State of men’s basketball

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Penguin Nation:
Every NCAA and NAIA school does facility upgrades. Many do enormously more than YSU.

Also, you don't (other than YSU) get to do part of your job well, for a few years, and be inept at the most important aspects of your job.

Stonehenge, the pyramids, and Strollo not being fired. True mysteries of mankind.

I still dont understand all the venom....what would any of you naysayers do differently? And dont say you would hire a different coach...hindsight is always 20/20...a bad AD hires crooks and does some phoney baloney with funds or totally ignores upgrades when they are available...what has he really done wrong? A good AD doesnt make knee jerk decisions because of some losing seasons, he uncovers reasons and if they are valid enough he takes action...we will have a new MBB coach next season..put away the rakes and torches...if you arent loyal to the U then stay away...no loss

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: jbags on April 15, 2015, 03:27:49 PM ---I still dont understand all the venom....what would any of you naysayers do differently? And dont say you would hire a different coach...hindsight is always 20/20...a bad AD hires crooks and does some phoney baloney with funds or totally ignores upgrades when they are available...what has he really done wrong? A good AD doesnt make knee jerk decisions because of some losing seasons, he uncovers reasons and if they are valid enough he takes action...we will have a new MBB coach next season..put away the rakes and torches...if you arent loyal to the U then stay away...no loss

--- End quote ---

Look at the 2011 Scalzo article I posted earlier in the thread. It describes clear and obvious deficiencies of Slocum, and Strollo renewed his contract anyway. The best predictor of future performance is past performance. Strollo doomed MBB for another five years.

Would I have renewed the contracts of proven failures? No way, and these are easy decisions to make.

bags -- read carefully. I attended for decades and have stopped coming. So have others. Reason -- Strollo.  Read carefully  -- who gives a sh!t. Since YSU obviously doesn't, neither should we.   Read carefully -- no more ticket purchases and no attending games. Me and many, many others. And it will continue.

Keep Strollo. Be happy

But accept the consequences.

IAA Fan:
Sounds good to me Pally. I will be happy to accept the consequences of keeping Strollo for a longtime to come; as will most people on and off campus. You have nothing new to offer. Always fire a coach or staff member ...gets old real quick buddy. People leave the board because of you ...and just about every one of them asks me to fire you. Fire Strollo ...heard it. Fire Slocum ...heard it. Wolford was the greatest coach of all time once we canned him; but before then he should have been fired ...heard that as well. You and a few other on here accuse others of trolling, but you are more than guilty of it yourselves.

BTW ...I am going to start removing these "fire people comments" all you want to do is push it to the top & I will not have the board ruined because people offer no real solutions.


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