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Assistant Coaches

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You make valid points, especially about the media not always getting it correct. But, that is not going to change, and YSU now has 2 HIGH PROFILE coach's, with Carl being a 3rd if hired. And, as for Bo and Ron Brown, there is video and audio of things they have said and how they acted. I watched Bo on live television make an idiot of himself. That happens in the heat of the moment during sports, so it's not as if Bo is the only person to ever do that type of thing. I remember one time when Tressel was at OSU, the sideline camera clearly cuaght him saying "F#$K". Yes, Sweater Vest dropped the F-bomb, and it was captured live. I laughed my butt off. These kind of things also get played over and over and over on the myriad of sports networks. And, with Bo it has happened more than once. NOT saying it makes him a bad person. I am saying this kind of thing is perceived differently by different people, and Bo is going to be a major public face of YSU. My wife and I both use the F-word. But, as Mike Huckabee would say, we are "trashy", the likes you find in NYC and I guess you find here in Las Vegas  :P  ;)

As for Carl, what has me dumbfounded is if he is indeed innocent of using drugs at FAU, why did he sign a letter of resignation, that stated his resignation was IRREVOCABLE? NEVER, NEVER, NEVER sign your name to ANYTHING of that kind without consulting a lawyer, no matter how much pressure is put on you by an employer. And, why would he not sue the assistant coach and friend of multiple coaches at FAU that put their names on affidavits? That makes no sense. Your point about what has been written in the media is well taken. But, the signed affidavits are not things made up by the media. And, for whatever reason, Carl resigned and put his name on a legal document admitting to drug use, before trying to fight to get his job back.

Also, it is possible he may not have used pot or cocaine when at Nebraska. It's also possible he was using it but doing so it private. It's possible he never used pot or cocaine when at FAU. And, at a place like Nebraska, this kind of thing can get covered up if the powers that be wish for it to be covered up. That is true of most major college programs. It's also not uncommon for a person to use drugs/alcohol, be abusive to players, or other things of that nature, and not face any punishment until it somehow makes the school or administration look bad. Then you have the case of a guy like Bobby Knight, who was out of control his ENTIRE time at Indiana, yet did not get fired until his teams started coming up short in the NCAA Tournament. The administrators at Indiana shared responsibility for how Bobby Knight acted, because they let him get away with acting that way for decades. Then his teams stop winning as much, and suddenly it is a major issue and he has to be replaced.

No matter what the truth, this is going to follow Carl to his next job. I'm NOT saying that is right, especially if he is indeed innocent. Just pointing out a fact. What some people, myself included are saying is YSU already has Bo and Ron Brown. Adding Carl would just be too much. And, trust me, people will link all of this to Tressel and his rules violations at OSU, and also the fact YSU was on NCAA probation when Tressel was HC, and now he is University President.

And, I'm at a loss as to why having this discussion is somehow looked at as irrelevant to YSU and YSU Athletics?

I saw a person mention going after Mike Rice Jr to replace Slocum, and some responded NO WAY, he is damaged goods and not worth the negative attention it would bring. But, the guy can coach, he had alot of success at Robert Morris, and he claims he has changed and learned from his mistakes. So, why does he not deserve a 2nd chance, especially given YSU is quickly becoming the place for 2nd chances? The things he did at Rutger's were reprehensible, but everyone makes mistakes is what I keep reading in regards to Bo, Ron Brown and Carl Pelini. So, why is the same not true for Mike Rice Jr? The cynic in me says the reason is because he is a basketball coach, and men's basketball is at best 3rd in terms of priority, behind football and women's basketball.


--- Quote from: Lets_Talk on February 27, 2015, 02:52:08 PM ---penguinpower,

As for Carl, what has me dumbfounded is if he is indeed innocent of using drugs at FAU, why did he sign an affidavit admitting to drug use? NEVER, NEVER, NEVER sign your name to ANYTHING of that kind without consulting a lawyer, no matter how much pressure is put on you by an employer. And, why would he not sue the assistant coach and friend of multiple coaches at FAU that put their names on affidavits? That makes no sense. Your point about what has been written in the media is well taken. But, the signed affidavits are not things made up by the media. And, for whatever reason, Carl resigned and put his name on a legal document admitting to drug use, before trying to fight to get his job back.

--- End quote ---

Pelini never signed an affidavit.

per the vindicator.

"Florida Atlantic’s athletic director, Pat Chun, confronted Pelini and Rekstis with the allegations on Oct. 30, 2013, and the coaches immediately resigned. Weeks later, Pelini asked that his resignation be withdrawn. That request was granted on Nov. 26, 2013, when FAU changed the resignation to a firing.FAU’s interim president, Dennis J. Crudele, then wrote a letter to Pelini saying he was fired for failing to report the conduct of a staff member and not for using illegal drugs.
 - See more at: http://www.vindy.com/news/2015/feb/22/youngstown-state-football-carl-pelini-co/?newswatch#sthash.ciuIadpe.dpuf

Penguin Nation:
Mike Rice assaulted players, and there video of the multiple assaults on his players.  He was even throwing basketballs at their heads. 

There is an ocean of difference between multiple violent acts while on the job....and using illegal substances on your own time (if that's even what happened).

I don't get the Puritan standard for a FB coach when we have a POTUS who admitted to using way more drugs.  These things shouldn't even be illegal....unless you want to support drug cartels, organized crime, and want the government telling you what you can put in your own body.


I apologize for the mistake. Carl did however submit a letter of resignation. That is not the same as an affidavit, I understand. Still not sure why he would submit a signed letter of resignation though if not guilty?

The letter asked that his irrevocable resignation be accepted.... So, why do that if not guilty...Link contains the 2 sworn affidavits alleging drug use, the resignation letters of Carl and Rekstis, and e-mails

Here is a link that actually has what was written in the article in a form I can cut and paste. This article contained the text of the resignation letter, and then the brief comments Carl made when announcing his resignation. What poor judgement would he have exercised at this time to warrant resigning, other than use of the drugs he was accused of using? And, again, at the very least, he was very stupid for writing this letter, resigning when he did and making the public statement he did. He can claimed he was forced into this all he wants. You cannot be forced to resign. Instead, you say "I'm not admitting guilt for something I did not do, and if you want me removed from my job, then you will have to FIRE ME"

..."Pelini’s letter of resignation read: “Please accept this as my irrevocable resignation from my position as head coach of the FAU football program affective immediately for personal reasons.”

He then issued a statement reading: “I apologize for exercising poor judgment. My greatest concerns at this time are for my family, the dedicated FAU players and my staff. I am confident that Pat Chun and the University administration will continue to move the program forward.”"...

And, this still does not answer the question as to why he would not sue the 2 people that signed affidavits if he was innocent. Those 2 individuals cost him his job, his reputation and seriously jeopardized his opportunity for future employment.

And, something to consider. If I were the one firing Pelini, I would not admit it was for drug use. Much better PR move to fire him for not reporting misconduct of a staff member.

I still think you are missing the point. Does YSU truly want to be putting out fires like this? AS it is, the press conference to introduce Bo Pelini as Head Coach was done in front of a limited group of media. Why not have it open to ANY member of the media interested in covering it, including ESPN, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, USAToday...etc

And, again, I apologize if I said Carl signed an affidavit. I will go back and check my posts, and remove that from ALL posts in which it was incorrectly stated.



--- Quote from: Lets_Talk on February 27, 2015, 03:30:53 PM ---PenguinPower,

I apologize for the mistake. Carl did however submit a letter of resignation. That is not the same as an affidavit, I understand. Still not sure why he would submit a signed letter of resignation though if not guilty?

The letter asked that his irrevocable resignation be accepted.... So, why do that if not guilty?

And, this still does not answer the question as to why he would not sue the 2 people that signed affidavits if he was innocent. Those 2 individuals cost him his job, his reputation and seriously jeopardized his opportunity for future employment.

And, something to consider. If I were the one firing Pelini, I would not admit it was for drug use. Much better PR move to fire him for not reporting misconduct of a staff member.

I still think you are missing the point. Does YSU truly want to be putting out fires like this? AS it is, the press conference to introduce Bo Pelini as Head Coach was done in front of a limited group of media. Why not have it open to ANY member of the media interested in covering it, including ESPN, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, USAToday...etc

And, again, I apologize if I said Carl signed an affidavit. I will go back and check my posts, and remove that from ALL posts in which it was incorrectly stated.


--- End quote ---

It could have been strictly contractual with regard to $$$ as to why he resigned.

Plus if he doesn't then he has a difficult time getting hired somewhere else if he fights it.

Also if there is risk to losing money in court.  If you sue somebody with nothing you get nothing so that may be the reason why he didn't sue.  He is a public figure and may not want the attention.

Finally YSU is too small of a market for this to be big news.  As Paladin pointed out the issue may occur in recruiting, with coaches that bash other schools.  (North Dakota has been accused of this tactic not NDSU).  That would be the only drawback.  Pelini was not convicted of doing drugs and he denied it too.  Carl has a big personality so you never know if there were some other motives.  You are innocent until proven guilty in the USA last time I checked.


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