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Assistant Coaches

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--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on February 27, 2015, 03:16:28 PM ---Mike Rice assaulted players, and there video of the multiple assaults on his players.  He was even throwing basketballs at their heads. 

There is an ocean of difference between multiple violent acts while on the job....and using illegal substances on your own time (if that's even what happened).

I don't get the Puritan standard for a FB coach when we have a POTUS who admitted to using way more drugs.  These things shouldn't even be illegal....unless you want to support drug cartels, organized crime, and want the government telling you what you can put in your own body.

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I agree with your comments about Mike Rice Jr, and in NO WAY would I want him hired as basketball coach at YSU.
As for the POTUS and drug use, this is where 1AA Fan gets upset, and I'm going to DEFEND HIS POSITION. I'm also going to answer by saying that has NOTHING to do with YSU or YSU Athletics, and that the drug use of which you speak happened in COLLEGE. Plenty of prominent people have used drugs in high school and college and also abused alcohol. Big difference between doing it as a teen or when in college, and doing it as an ADULT who is responsible for molding the lives of young men as coaches like to say, and also having rules that penalize student-athletes for using drugs, or drinking alcohol if underage. And, in the case of Carl Pelini, he signed a contract that prohibited him from using pot, cocaine and other illegal drugs. I've had jobs where I signed such contracts, in addition to jobs where I had to pass a drug test in order to get hired. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE leave politics out of this.

And, again, this is an issue where 1AA Fan has my 100% support. NO BRINGING UP POLITICS THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YSU IN ANYWAY.... And, 1AA Fan, if I've done this in the past, I APOLOGIZE and have NO PROBLEM going forward knowing that if I bring politics irrelevant to YSU into a discussion, that post will be removed by you or another administrator.

Penguin Nation:
I bring up POTUS's drug use only to demonstrate the strained logic of applying differing standards to a FB coach and a POTUS.  I did not support or attack the President or his polices, but simply pointed out conflicting standards.  I think even the most ardent Democrats acknowledge his drug use.  The President acknowledged it himself in his autobiography.


Again, you are making very good points. The problem is that Carl did end up fighting things at FAU. And, that is most likely why he is having such difficulty finding a job, and also why alot of people are leary of his side of the story. As I have said in multiple posts, if going to go down fighting and burning bridges, then fight like hell and burn everything in sight. Especially if you know you are innocent.

Given that Pete Rekstis is now coaching at Rhode Island, I have a hard time believing Carl would not have been given a 2nd chance had he simply resigned as he did to begin with. And, it does not do any good pleading his case in the media. Do it IN COURT, especially against the people who DID sign affidavits, which if their claims were false they would be guilty of perjury. Win in court, and you come out ahead both money wise and also with regards to your reputation and good name.


--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on February 27, 2015, 04:04:37 PM ---I bring up POTUS's drug use only to demonstrate the strained logic of applying differing standards to a FB coach and a POTUS.  I did not support or attack the President or his polices, but simply pointed out conflicting standards.  I think even the most ardent Democrats acknowledge his drug use.  The President acknowledged it himself in his autobiography.

--- End quote ---

But you are injecting politics into the discussion. I tried very, very, very hard to answer your question and do so without bringing up politics. You make a comment like that, then another person makes a comment accusing you of hating the political figure mentioned, and next thing the thread is about POLITICS.

And, with the same fervor I lashed out at 1AAFan for chopping up this discussion and then moving parts of it to the BS Forum, with myself as the person who started the thread, I am going to DEFEND HIS STANCE OF NO POLITICS.

I cannot say anything more on all of this. I have already wasted wayyyyyyyyyyy too much time. I've said my peace, put thing out there for people to think about, vented, and now I am going to leave this discussion, rather than just keep repeating myself. To ALL who have commented, please know your points are well taken. I have not agreed with everyone, but several of you have said things that have led me to look at this situation at FAU differently. I still think though Carl being hired by YSU would be a mistake, and that it will be an issue in the National Media. But, that is not my decision to make, and I wish Carl Pelini the best going forward.

IAA Fan:
So is it possible talk about a coach? Or are we going to let the monkey's drive the banana truck? Serious coaching issues:

1. Can Brown coach?
2. Is Stoops qualified to be DC?

Anything else?


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