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Messages - axaguy

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To SoupCity, honestly, no. I have been placed in unpleasant situations in a couple of careers and have always disassociated myself with those with "weak knees" so to speak. I'm no saint by any means but have to live with my conscience and be able to sleep nights. I am now in an industry with quite a few folks who still sidestep those things with some regularity but have found quite a few more who don't. I choose to associate and partner with them.......

I am somewhat suspect of those who have to advertise their faith or morals by announcing they or their friends are good "Christian" people, as Tressel has been referred to here before..... I practice a faith, as I'm sure many others here and around, but  have don't need to advertise that or my position as if it deifies me more than others in some way..... Jim Tressel is/was a great football coach....what difference does it make if he's Christian or whatever???? A few of those "good Christian men" and televangelists have been exposed as other than what they preach, so what does that prove.........

Integrity and honesty aren't the byproducts of only one religion/faith/belief. They are the byproduct of the man or woman's inside morals and code and how strongly they adhere to that...plain and simple.

Enough said. Have a great day.... Good luck in Bloomington.....

Well, some feathers are certainly ruffled........... I simply wanted to see what people's "local" opinion was of an event. I didn't attack any one or say anything of dislike for Jim Tressel. I challenged us as a society if you read correctly. JT is local. No one made mention of my inclusion of Bruce Pearl in the discussion because he's not your guy or school/s and could probably care less about him. Those thinking I attacked JT are missing the point by a wide margin, and I never mention anything about any infractions at YSU.

I, personally, think JT was a great hire by OSU. Great coaching legacy including great success at YSU. Glad to see some Midwestern/Big10 success on a national stage. He was/is a great coach and did what OSU brought him in to do. Win football games. Lots of them and beat Michigan. Maybe the reverse order is more important. Just ask Earl Bruce and John Cooper about winning and enough. But make no mistake about it. OSU wants to win and win big and would probably spare no expense to do so. Correct me if I am wrong here.

The question was raised by others here about what people's perception was outside Ohio and YSU and I simply stated confirmation of that opinion. It's the same thing anywhere you go. The local folks often don't see the forest for the trees. People around the country without a vested interest look at things a little differently and maybe more objectively. This isn't an Ohio thing, happens everywhere. There's no vendetta, Pita, just impression and personal opinion. That personal opinion is formed on the same basis as your personal opinions are. Gathered from the same reports, stories, and media coverage how ever lacking, incomplete, biased or directed it may be. Fact of life.

I appreciate what guinpen said about "poor decisions." I think there is a difference between honest mistakes and avoidance. People make mistakes all the time and deserve second chances. I worked for a multinational corporation for a long time and mistakes didn't get people fired. Lying about them, covering them up, being evasive, incomplete in their reporting and avoiding their significance did. Real life, real business.

Sometimes wanting to win big and pressure to do so dulls our sense of well being and fair play. OSU wants to win big, as many places do. Some places put winning sports in proper perspective as the University of Chicago who dropped from D1 and big time sports for that reason. If the OSU administration, IAA,  "never misses anything" how did they misjudge the events that led to JT's demise there? Why did he actually leave? Resign on his own? Why? I don't remember if he was replaced (fired) or pressured to leave. if the program and his oversight (and the administration's) was so great why didn't this all play out and be recognized with full disclosure? Why isn't JT still there? His coaching didn’t get bad all of a sudden.

I wouldn't doubt that JT, Bruce Pearl, Kelvin Sampson, and many others, haven't committed mortal sins, killed anyone or violated specific laws or regulations directly but have been guilty of "side stepping" moral issues of integrity and honesty. These types of things aren't "honest" mistakes or poor judgments. They are calculated risks assumed by the violator in hope they won't be uncovered or exposed let alone explode before them.

Paterno’s sad saga at PSU has resulted in a much tainted legacy. He certainly has done many fine things for the university and community but his legacy will remain sullied by the Sandusky case. Why he did and didn’t do things will never be learned after his passing and an inability to question him directly and so his legacy stands. I don’t think he deliberately sidestepped anything but was genuinely confused on what to do or how to go about it because of his friendship and association with Sandusky but he was the man in charge, a leader  of men, and must take responsibility for his actions or inactions. Such is his legacy. If he were alive today I don’t think anyone would be voting him into a high position of authority at PSU or anywhere else as a result and I know I wouldn't be voting for Tressel to be president of a university, either.

We, as a society, seem to be willing turn a blind eye towards behaviors in lacks of integrity and bend the circumstances to fit our needs when necessary. We don’t live in a zero tolerance era for sure. Plenty of politicians have been offered the same tolerance at the expense of the citizens and voters across the country. Shame on us for accepting this. Just one man’s opinion.

Interesting to get different perspectives and debate between seasons……

Congratulations on YSU’s Horizon League Baseball tournament championship, BTW.

The perception of the Tressel hiring at YSU is as suggested in previous posts here. Not well received. I place that right up with Auburn's immediate hiring of Bruce Pearl who ran afoul of ethics at both Tennessee and Milwaukee.

What do these hiring's say about us as a society. Though no state or federal laws were broken by either great lapses in ethics and morality occurred. We want these guys as examples to our kids? Leaders of our institutions? Is it safe to say that while no "laws" were broken little white lies, cover ups and pleas of ignorance by those in the know and in charge are OK?

Shame on us for accepting this as a society.

Winning isn't everything, or is it?

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