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Messages - soundman

Pages: [1]
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: September 10, 2016, 07:01:35 PM »
Good game Penguins, y'all surprised me and played tougher than I thought you would. You guys should do well the rest of the way, good luck and again, good game.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: September 10, 2016, 11:31:03 AM »
Hello Penguins, I thought I wasn't going to get to put my 2 cents worth in 'till after the game, but here goes. I don't look for a blowout, and here's why. I think the coach is going to use this game as an opportunity to build depth. I look for a fairly vanilla offense with a lot of subs after a comfortable lead. Here's to an entertaining, injury free game. I'm looking forward to a show being put on by our O line and running backs since Howard is a little dinged up. Let's say 35 to 10 kind of game. Good luck after today with the rest of your schedule.

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