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Messages - AFGuin

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Life after Wolford
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:12:56 AM »
No that we need to be having this conversation, but let Kehres cut his teeth elsewhere. DIII is faaaaarrrrr too much of a step down. I realize he could be a stud, but I do not want to risk it.

DIII isn't that much of a step down, i have no doubt Mount Union would beat YSU any given year in the last decade by a few scores and the old man has put more guys into the NFL then YSU has recentley, you gotta take the risk to get anywhere if your a YSU who isn't going to lure a good coach anyways

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Life after Wolford
« on: September 17, 2013, 01:51:59 AM »
The next coach will be Bear Mangino.

No shot.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs. Duquesne
« on: September 16, 2013, 11:14:57 PM »
This is a classic "trap" game, even if we had performed well in East Lansing.  Inevitably, the team will be thinking about the league opener, and we are not good enough to take anybody lightly.

Getting destroyed in the trenches exposes and magnifies all other problems.  I don't think that our lines will be overmatched against FCS opponents, at least until UNI.  I do agree, if the defense struggles against Duquesne we will be in serious trouble.

Hey ValleyTalk, is that Ursuline qb still going to Michigan State?  Seems like a risky choice now since he must displace that stud that MSU has waiting in the wings.  He should really go to a big time school that has a senior or junior quarterback.  Or if he really wants to start for four years, I can think of one school where he can easily win the job. 8)

Yes, Durkin is still going to MSU.   He has the capability of being moved to TE.  Played as a receiver his freshman year at UHS.    He is huge and could grow another inch or two.......6'4" about 230 right now and cut.  His dad is a workout fiend so I'm sure Chris is too.   Actually a cousin from my wife's side.   Terry didn't play Saturday, so his redshirt looks to be confirmed for this year.  From everything I have heard about him there is no way Chris beats him out.

except for the fact Terry cant even beat out the sh*tty QBs they currentley have

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Life after Wolford
« on: September 16, 2013, 11:12:13 PM »
Vince Kehres is the head football coach at Mt. Union.
I don't think it's enough to present someone with a "nowhere to go but up" philosophy.
There has to be a reason to come to YSU other than leaving another program.
We have a more than decent stadium and facilities, but so do a long list of other colleges.
What is the reason to come to YSU?

That said, I hope Wolford and company can right the ship.  I am neutral on him as head coach, but
I don't want to start looking like the Browns with our "wait until next year" (with a new HC) attitude.

How about this thing called money?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs. Duquesne
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:37:48 PM »
YSU is on upset alert and i expect this to be a close game
Bad ysu team+sandwhich between MSU and MVFC season=Upset

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU falls out of the TSN top 25
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:33:24 PM »
The most embarrassing loss in school history ...did we expect anything less?

I get it, but the CAA isn't that good.  The problem is that the Southern Conference is very weak since they lost GA Southern and App State.

Neither is YSU. its going to be a 6-5 type season at best

First of all we play 12 games.  6+5=11.  But that type of record wouldn't surpirse me.  The way I see it is we have guaranteed losses against UNI, NDSU, and SDSU (Have we ever beaten SDSU?).  That being said we would be 8-4 at best.

And we could lose to Ill State, Southern Illinois, and an improving Western Illinois. 

If we lose those games we would be 5-7.

6-5, 4-8 who cares? its not going to be a good team

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Life after Wolford
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:32:52 PM »
To fire someone you have to have a replacement in hand, whos going to want to come to YSU?
there are a ton of neighboorhoods around campus that aren't safe
there are some nice suburbs but some really ugly ones as well
YSU doesn't have a huge athletic budget for a football coach
if you get rid of Wolford you got to get rid of everyone on staff including the blob so that rules out in house canidates

Maybe Vince Kehres from Mount Union? i dont see him leaving his Dad but he's a young guy with coaching ties in the area (coached at Fitch)

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU falls out of the TSN top 25
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:17:15 PM »
The most embarrassing loss in school history ...did we expect anything less?

I get it, but the CAA isn't that good.  The problem is that the Southern Conference is very weak since they lost GA Southern and App State.

Neither is YSU. its going to be a 6-5 type season at best

What a dog sh*t fanbase this is
when is it acceptable to see other confrence teams win vs FBS teams but its ok when we dont?

Now seriously ...was the first sentence of your post necessary? You make a great point in the second sentence, but no one cares because you insulted them before you made it. You realize that we are one of the few active boards in our division clearly our fan-base is great?

To prove my point, here I am responding to your post & not even mentioning what your point is ...and I completely agree with it.

When im personally attacked yes you should expect me to respond.
Our fanbase is great? is that why YSU is begging people to come to games? i bet NDSU, UNI, etc dont have that problem

1.  You are attacked because your predictions and analysis are wrong

Nope. that is incorrect
2.  You typically do not offer much with your contribution because you lack the facts to back up your analysis

Again, that is incorrect.
3.  There is a concept called history that you also need to consider.  Most of the people on this board know what a contending football team looks like and they become critical of areas where the team does not perform.  Stick around and learn a little before you make your ridiculous predictions based on blind loyalty, hype, or misinformation.

Nah, i know more then everyone here will ever dream of knowing, thats a fact.

And about the fan base, you are probably dealing with different groups like:

1.  The cheap skates. These people were conditioned like dogs by Mickey Monus when he gave away Youngstown pride tickets for free or 50 cents.  These people think they shouldn't have to pay for a ticket.   The reason these people aren't at the games is because:
2. The old season ticket holders during the 90's eventually stopped buying season tickets when we went 9 years under Heacock with 1 playoff appearance.  In fairness to Heacock he was not given the money, resources nor the game schedule (number of division 1 teams played) to assemble an annual contender, but he just missed the playoffs several times and made it once.  At any rate these fans bought the cheap skates tickets.  The old season ticket holders were more casual fans.
3. The diehards.  That's us.  We are the loyal ones but our group is smaller due to age, and many people purposely try not to get too emotionally involved from year after year of let downs.
4. Factor in some population decline, a student fan base that should be turning out more people with the new campus dormitories, and a Penguin Club that lacks the sophistication to properly market the corporate community and fan base and the result is: What you see on Saturday.

Winning is the only cure for the attendance ailme WOLFORD HAS BEEN GIVEN WAY WAY MORE RESOURCES THAN HEACOCK and we don't have a contender.  The fan base was patient in year 1 and year 2.  But Wolford has not been able to deliver and the road signs are saying we have not improved. We would probably have had the attendance back by the end of last year but those losing streaks (O for October) that keep you out of the playoffs are sort of a big deal.

Like i said, sh**ty fanbase

And once again it appears that our defensive woes will continue to be the reason why we will not contend.  In particular the defensive line, but you can't leave out the performance of all phases.  The coaches need to find a way to stop squeezing a baloon.  What I mean by that is one week we have a breakdown on special teams, so the coaches squeeze the baloon and correct it, but a new problem breaks out somewhere else.  The next week the issue is on defense, the coaches squeeze that issue and then a breakdown on offense the following week and on and on and on.....

At the end of the day you are going to have issues and breakdowns and there is only one way to bail yourself out of that situation. HAVING A BAD AZZZ STIFILING, SUFFOCATING GAME CHANGING defense that plays with enough swagger to provide a degree of psychological abuse on the field.  This will keep you in every single game regardless of the breakdowns that occur.  A defense that gives the ball back to the offense over and over and over bails you out consistently and doesn't surrender points.  That is the cure to this entire mess and we do not have it.

The announcers have to be politically correct and they say things like "We've got Duquesne next week we'll see if YSU can bounce back"  In reality those guys that broadcast the games see what I and many others on this board -if YSU is improvising it is very slow.  In addition, the win over Pitt can be explained under special cause variation not common cause variation.  For those non engineers it translates into not being a signature win because it was outside our normal capability and there was some other underlying reason we won that was not closely related to our actual ability-we got some help.

What a dog sh*t fanbase this is
when is it acceptable to see other confrence teams win vs FBS teams but its ok when we dont?

Now seriously ...was the first sentence of your post necessary? You make a great point in the second sentence, but no one cares because you insulted them before you made it. You realize that we are one of the few active boards in our division clearly our fan-base is great?

To prove my point, here I am responding to your post & not even mentioning what your point is ...and I completely agree with it.

When im personally attacked yes you should expect me to respond.
Our fanbase is great? is that why YSU is begging people to come to games? i bet NDSU, UNI, etc dont have that problem

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Life after Wolford
« on: September 14, 2013, 08:47:02 PM »
WTF? Heacock's player are Wolford's stars.  He turned over 43 player of 65 his first year

We have not improved on defense in ALL yrs under wolford.   

And since u thought MSU was a Sh!t team, what is YSU after that beat down? sh**'s sh!it?

Yes i know Wolford inherited Heacocks sh*t, but he's not responceable for the results

What a dog sh*t fanbase this is
when is it acceptable to see other confrence teams win vs FBS teams but its ok when we dont?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Life after Wolford
« on: September 14, 2013, 04:25:14 PM »
Save this combo for December.  Then let's resume this conversation.

Just sayin

Tell us more how Wolford is responceable for 2 years before he was even hired

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: MSU In-Game Thread!
« on: September 14, 2013, 03:57:38 PM »
Wow you guys.... This is MICHIGAN STATE. The big 10 for Christ's sake. Some of you make me laugh lol. Wanting to fire everybody.... Calm down

Michigan State has a dogsh*t football team, a Defensive End had more TDs then their entire team combined outside of him comming into today for Chris Sake, they are absoltuley god awful, they are worse then pitt from last year

That's completely false. Their defense is top 10 in the country. The offense might suck a little but their defense is no joke so therefore they are not a "dogsh*t" football team.

No its legit, They dont have a top 10 defense , they played 2 teams worse then YSU and YSU.
They are a dogsh*t football team

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: MSU In-Game Thread!
« on: September 14, 2013, 03:56:57 PM »
Well they are ranked 3rd in total defense.  It may have been against 2 cupcakes but it's not like their defense is terrible.

Its not like they have a good defense either.
Mich State couldn't even win the MVC,  YSU is in for a LOOOOOONG Year

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