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Messages - AFGuin

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Running QBs
« on: October 23, 2013, 11:26:11 PM »
I wasn't aware they were after any H.S. QB for this upcoming class ( 2014) other than the Navarre kid. But a JUCO would not surprise me. They are in trouble at QB next year as it stands now. 2015 is far off and you haven't mentioned  anyone I see coming here.

again, try to keep up here, the 2014 class is this class, 2015 class isn't far off when its the next class.  we will probably end up with the hudson kid since he's a bit bigger then the kid from fitch and has more experiance starting and needs less polish

Are you talking about Harris from Fitch??

Yes, YSU had coaches at the game, told him work on his accuracy and he's got an offer

I've seen him play a couple of times.... Great runner, passing is ehhh

he could also be brought in as a RB/WR/Athlete if QB doesnt work out too which could be a plan for him

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Running QBs
« on: October 23, 2013, 11:25:18 PM »
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

AF.......... is that the best you got ? "most talked about backup" ?   "didn't get a fair chance at Moeller" ? Coach at Moeller wasn't really trying to win ?  You really are a legend in your own mind.

The truth will be known shortly.

Pass the popcorn.

well its more informed then your opinion. he was getting college looks as a backup, says it all dont ya think?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Running QBs
« on: October 23, 2013, 09:37:20 PM »
Your current back-up is Nania, a player they tried to convert to S this year. He was a Wing T QB in H.S. Can run and has good arm strength and some accuracy, but short and skill set not high. He is the best we have after Hess. Both Davis and Wargo show similar problems -- questionable accuracy, arm strength, trouble with reads and no play time. I'd rate Davis the better at this point. Neither is anywhere near ready  to play next year. Davis is red-shirted and Wargo was. Garry is as good as Wargo. I rate them

tie- Garry

Then we have a verbal from Navarre Fairless incoming next year. He'll need to be red-shirted and in serious need of a weight program. Arm is not strong and accuracy will be severely tested. Played at a weak level of play in H.S and speed of players  will hurt him badly  here .

Only Nania could be called a dual threat. None of the QBs have much speed and Hess was only pressed to play some option this  year with some play series Montgomery put in off the same actions _- the read option, jet and play action passes of the same action. Hess now runs a speed option, which is new, going straight down the line with pitch or keep option.

YSU has recruited a QB every year Wolf has been here. Most are not working  out. Hess was a holdover from the last coach. Seems they are trying to  recruit the best they can and try to develop them. Not working out well. Talent level here now is subpar, especially in the MVFC. The level of play will seriously drop next year when Hess is gone. I don't see a running QB here next year ( unless they use Nania) and Montgomery will be challenged to control the QB to a short , control pass game to minimize INTs, incompletions on longer balls and easier reads. I's also suspect YSU will not be as balanced and focus on a run game, using the pass only as a change up. The "productive" pass game ends this year and maybe for quite a  while till they get someone better than we currently have. THat is, unless they pull in a JUCO next year. That's one possibility. 

BTW, Davis was a one year QB at Fenwick  after transferring from Moeller where he didn't get to play. Wargo was also a one year QB after riding the bench until he was a Senior. Neither  was that highly  touted, only on message boards.  Ohio is heavily recruited and neither drew much interest. Same with the current verbal from Navarre. QB next year will be an adventure.     

you really couldn't be more wrong about Davis, kids highly talented and he's probably the most talked about back up HS QB i've ever heard of when he was a Moeller, he just never got a fair chance to win the starting varsity job. he was invited to the US AA camp when he was a sophmore which only invites 250 kids or something like that

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Running QBs
« on: October 23, 2013, 09:35:40 PM »
I wasn't aware they were after any H.S. QB for this upcoming class ( 2014) other than the Navarre kid. But a JUCO would not surprise me. They are in trouble at QB next year as it stands now. 2015 is far off and you haven't mentioned  anyone I see coming here.

again, try to keep up here, the 2014 class is this class, 2015 class isn't far off when its the next class.  we will probably end up with the hudson kid since he's a bit bigger then the kid from fitch and has more experiance starting and needs less polish

Are you talking about Harris from Fitch??

Yes, YSU had coaches at the game, told him work on his accuracy and he's got an offer

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Running QBs
« on: October 23, 2013, 03:28:36 AM »
I wasn't aware they were after any H.S. QB for this upcoming class ( 2014) other than the Navarre kid. But a JUCO would not surprise me. They are in trouble at QB next year as it stands now. 2015 is far off and you haven't mentioned  anyone I see coming here.

again, try to keep up here, the 2014 class is this class, 2015 class isn't far off when its the next class.  we will probably end up with the hudson kid since he's a bit bigger then the kid from fitch and has more experiance starting and needs less polish

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Running QBs
« on: October 22, 2013, 11:24:25 PM »
Really ?  I'm only aware of the QB from Navarre Fairless who verbaled and I wouldn't call him dual threat. Who else ?

well i mean the 2015 class as 2014 is this years class, i know they like the fitch kid and told him to work on his accuracy, same thing with the QB from Hudson who had an outstanding year last year and is off to a good start this year

Mitchell Guadagnis Soph stats (last year)
151-257 59%
2,060 Yards
26 TDs
6 Ints

84 Rush attempts
491 yards
3 TDs

this year Hudson is 8-0 but i cant find all his stats

YSU Penguin Athletics / Running QBs
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:03:22 PM »
ive seen a few QBs YSU is targetting for next years class and a couple of them seem to be athletes/runners, and it got me thinking, has YSU ever had a real great dual threat qb?

05 is right...he will get a look.

he might get a look but thats probably all it translates too, and i still doubt he gets much of  look

Liste will get a shot in the NFL

thats highly doubtful.

Why is that highly doutbful?  Liste plays better than most FBS kickers.  When you can consistently kick the ball out of the endzone and you can spot punts on the 1 yard line you are a pro prospect.

because NFL teams dont often look to replace punters with rookies they look for guys who are already in the league, i've only seen 1 rookie punter this year and dont remember any last year, Punter just isn't a position guys get a shot at.  he should start learning how to drill 50+ yard field goals

Some people are of the philosophy that the most important play in the game is the punt.  If that is the case why would NFL coaches think the punter is an afterthought?  Think about the value of field position.

again, how many rookie punters are on 53 man rosters? ive seen 1. teams might not keep punters around very long if they aren't very good but thers only maybe 3-5 teams who change punters and they tend to give guys who have NFL history a shot over a rookie.

Liste will get a shot in the NFL

thats highly doubtful.

Why is htat highly doutbful.  Liste plays better than most FBS kickers.  When you can consistently kick teh ball out of the endzone and you can spot punts on the 1 yard line you are a pro prospect.

because NFL teams dont often look to replace punters with rookies they look for guys who are already in the league, i've only seen 1 rookie punter this year and dont remember any last year, Punter just isn't a position guys get a shot at.  he should start learning how to drill 50+ yard field goals

Liste will get a shot in the NFL

thats highly doubtful.

Site Issues, Updates and Additions / Re: AFGuin and Valley Talk thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 10:46:42 PM »
1-AA, when this idiot attacks respected posters like Indy and Wick, it's time to take action. There's no room for this crap. What's going to happen is people are just going to stop posting here and this site will wind up like the other one did and die a slow death. Your move.
Just to clear something up. We had the choice of either moving to, continuing as our own site, or merging into here. We chose the third one as it was most beneficial for all parties. Our bread and butter was recruiting, we never had the upper leg in terms of message boards and we accepted that.

We hope those posters we had that have come here have brought more to the table and made this site even more active. We do not recall AFGuin ever being a member of our site, thus we can't enlighten you as to whether this is a common theme for him.

I believe he is in some other reputable boards and he may have been banned on them, see the two big HS boards in OH.

Best of luck!

I, unlike Valleytalk, have never been banned from any forums

Site Issues, Updates and Additions / Re: AFGuin and Valley Talk thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 10:43:02 PM »
I have no idea why I was thrown into this. Until he is gone, I, and just about every active poster, will continue to call him out for his factually incorrect comments.

Do what you see as fit, but please don't throw my name out there as being the instigator. I apologize if you view me as that IAAFan.

admits to being an instigator and asks for someone not to call him an instigator all in the same post, laughable.

Site Issues, Updates and Additions / Re: AFGuin and Valley Talk thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 09:44:13 PM »
1-AA, when this idiot attacks respected posters like Indy and Wick, it's time to take action. There's no room for this crap. What's going to happen is people are just going to stop posting here and this site will wind up like the other one did and die a slow death. Your move.

the time to take action was when i was personally attacked and other should have been banned, i have done no wrong.

Site Issues, Updates and Additions / Re: AFGuin and Valley Talk thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 09:43:27 PM »
IAA Fan,

This really is a hopeless case.  This whole flap started on Friday, I believe, when this young man stated that the university was giving away free tickets via Handel's.  This was wrong and insulted the integrity of the athletic department.  Of course, Handel's was distributing tickets that they had purchased.  These tickets were certainly discounted, but that is a business model common for large purchases in professional and college sports.  I merely pointed out that error of interpretation.  I did not attack him or use profanity, which you know that I never do.  Check out my post.

This young man responded by calling me a liar.  Real classy.  When Valley Talk, who has a bit of inside information, affirmed that the tickets were purchased, albeit at a discounted rate, this young man lashed out at him with a tirade of profanity.  He did the same thing after Indy challenged his wrong statement that FCS teams never fly.  Basically, in his world, if you disagree with him, if you dare to correct an obvious wrong statement, he interprets that as a personal attack.  Amazing.  Now look at his response to your measured and conciliatory opening statement in this thread.  "I'm not going to tone nothing down."  As bizarre as it is grammatically incorrect.  It is not going to get any better.  If you want to continue dealing with this, good luck!  You are going to need it. :-\

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