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Messages - guinpen

Pages: 1 ... 146 147 [148] 149 150 ... 152
General BS / Re: Example of what is wrong
« on: June 30, 2011, 08:55:02 PM »
Pen4ife - I actually agree with some of what you say, one of things that you are missing is that both parties are putting to us. You mention the Koch brothers, ever heard of a guy named George Soros and his buying of Democrats - nuff said!

Politicians  - all politicians - have one thing in mind, getting and staying in power, it is as simple as that. Each side figures out what our fears are and then they play to them. Yea, they just love it when we get caught up in this little R verses D stuff, keeps us busy and they laugh and laugh. Sure there is a good politician now and then but we both know that they will not go far until they buy into the plan.

For what it is worth, I am not a member of the capitalist elite, no desire to be. No desire to die rich, I spend more time trying to be a good father and husband. Those are the right priorities for me. I can tell you that I have never been employed by a poor man. Like it or not we need rich people.

The trick for our government is to not swing too far in either direction, left or right. Too big is as bad as too small ( I do tend to lean to smaller ). At this time we are getting too big, can't be everything to everyone, heck we just can not afford it.

General BS / Re: Example of what is wrong
« on: June 29, 2011, 10:26:28 PM »
I'm a yellow dog Democrat (i.e. if the party ran a yellow dog, he (or she) would get my vote. I rest my case - truly amazing The Republican party of today is rapidly becoming the enemy of the middle class, the poor, the elderly, anyone outside of the well heeled upper crust. Sounds like you have bought into that class envy thing This republican love fest is bizarre. guinpen and hlector, get a room. Get a room, heck I don't even know hlecter!

General BS / Example of what is wrong
« on: June 07, 2011, 08:42:53 PM »
Lecter you will love this!

Bob Schieffer actually does a nice job in this clip, asks some tuff questions, but of course Mrs Pelosi shows us all what is wrong with politics today. Blames Bush for the debt, blames the R's for nothing getting done this year, says we need to "work together", funny where was that thinking when the D's were in total charge? I really like the segment that starts about the 2:54 mark. Bob quotes Nancy on her quotes from 2005 when she said that Bush was to blame for high unemployment and gas prices, then Bob asks her if the same should apply to BO since gas prices and unemployment are higher now. Of course her answer was why worry about the past.

What a hoot!

Non YSU Sports / Pryor gone
« on: June 07, 2011, 08:08:06 PM »

General BS / Re: Politics at it's best
« on: June 03, 2011, 09:34:26 PM »
I consider myself a conservative, am registered as an "R', but mostly so I can vote for something in the primaries. Born in Mahoning County and currently live in Mahoning County, but grew up in Lawrence County in a relatively conservative setting.

Compared to my high school buddies I am left leaning liberal.

General BS / Re: Politics at it's best
« on: June 02, 2011, 10:35:40 PM »
Well so much for that argument, Now if we could only get that Pelosi gal to kick in some cash for all those Air Force plane rides she took when she was speaker. Nice to see a politician do the honorable thing.

I love it!

Governor reimburses New Jersey for helicopter flight
By Katie Silver, CNN
June 2, 2011 7:42 p.m. EDT

    * Gov. Chris Christie pays back $2,151 for helicopter flight to son's baseball game
    * State GOP pays $919 to cover flight to political event in Princeton after the game
    * "I'm governor 24/7, every single day, but I'm also a father," Christie says
    * Democratic assemblywoman calls it "outright abuse of taxpayer dollars"

New York (CNN) -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced Thursday he has reimbursed the state of New Jersey for the cost of using a state police helicopter to travel with his wife to his son's high school baseball game.

The Republican has come under fire from opposition lawmakers and the public since he touched down Tuesday near the ball field in Montvale, about 80 miles from Trenton, the capital.

After initially refusing to reimburse the state, Christie has repaid $2,151 to cover the cost of his flights to the game, Christie said in a news conference.

"What I know about this business is, perception matters," Christie said. "I'm not going to allow the media and the hacks of the Democratic power to ... get away from the matter because they want to have a circus."

Christie claimed he was using the helicopter to balance his responsibilities as a father with his busy schedule as governor.

"I'm governor 24/7, every single day, but I'm also a father," he said.

Christie, who has taken 33 helicopter flights since assuming office last January, said he has been far more "judicious" in his helicopter use than other recent governors, citing Govs. Jim McGreevey, Thomas Kean and James Florio.

"If you look at the way I use this helicopter, it's not like I'm using it as a perk of office," he said.

The Republican budget hawk added that according to the State Police, the travel does not cost taxpayers money, because as the pilots need the flying time in order to be certified.

When asked, the governor reiterated that he will not be running for president in the coming election but has refused to "rule out" 2016.

The GOP paid for a portion of the helicopter rides, $919, to cover the cost of Christie's flight from the ballgame to Princeton, where he met with GOP contributors visiting from Iowa, according to Andy Pratt of the New Jersey Treasury.

Still, some Democrats were not swayed.

"To use these vehicles to shuttle between both a personal and a political activity is an outright abuse of taxpayer dollars," said Democrat Assemblywoman Joan Quigley.

The former federal prosecutor, who earned a reputation for battling corruption, was elected on a platform of fiscal discipline and eliminating government waste and abuse.

During his first year in office, Christie helped to pass a $29 billion budget, narrowing an $11 billion deficit with cuts in public-sector spending, including employee pensions and benefits.

The governor has since called for some $200 million in tax cuts. He has focused on spending reductions on public unions -- particularly the state's powerful teachers' unions -- who often have said the governor has used them as an excuse for the state's broader financial troubles.

YSU Penguin Athletics / 2011 football tickets
« on: June 01, 2011, 09:59:44 PM »
A little later then usual but I mail in my money today for my season tickets (4). Really looking forward to a good season, heck everyone is equal at this point.

Many of you season ticket holders?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Tressel SI article
« on: May 31, 2011, 09:19:23 PM »
They are now after Pryor, and his suspension is supposed to come tomorrow. Two cars.

I do not recall the make/model, but I guess that Pryor showed up to some meeting in a nice one, talk show host made the comment that Pryor must know he was done so he did not care if he was shown driving it.

General BS / Re: Memorial Day 2011
« on: May 31, 2011, 09:08:42 PM »
A belated amen to that

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Tressel SI article
« on: May 30, 2011, 10:01:05 PM »
Is now available online at As far as YSU goes, pretty much just rehashes the Ray Isaac/Mickey Monus situation, although it indicates Monus may have employed several YSU players. Disgruntaled former YSU Prez Leslie Cockroach is quoted as saying Tressel was deceitful--well moron, you were his boss, you should have done something about it. Cockroach was the George Bush of YSU presidents, inept. The overall picture painted of Tressel is not good.

Thinking that George Bush was inept, that's funny.

Read the article, I think that JT is just a very smart person, knows how to create the correct image of himself for most eyes and also knows how to play the system in the backrooms. And yes he can also coach pretty well.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Watts Center
« on: May 30, 2011, 09:12:29 PM »
Sure hope that that check has cleared!!!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Jim Tressel
« on: May 30, 2011, 09:06:57 PM »
It's not his fault at all that he had a few go stray out of hundreds!!! U check the success rate of the people that have been around him!!

He is not out of a job because a few players went astray, he lost his job because he lied and tried to cover stuff up. He could control that.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Tre BREWER
« on: May 30, 2011, 08:57:46 PM »
By the size of the list seem that transferring is not that uncommon

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: ""NOTHING GOING ON"
« on: May 22, 2011, 05:12:33 PM »
Guinpen.........thanks for the "young lady" my age I  no longer
bite my tongue, I  say what I wish and everyone has to roll with that.
Next thing you know, I'll be banned

Feisty too, you go girl

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