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IAA Fan:
UNI Big Over Missouri State

Wofford over Appy State

NDSU over ILS 20-10. This is a good team we beat. We just need defense. ILS scored late. Score really 20-3. What ever ILS did in the first quarter, to keep NDSU from scoring, we need to do the same.

Maine over Delaware 31-17

North Dakota over Southern Utah. This is not NDSU, these guys are really good.

WIU over SIU 27-21. WOW. I thought the conference was SIU's this year.

Seems like every week is a crap shoot in this conference. We can outscore anyone but when will we stop somebody?


--- Quote from: HappyPenguin on October 03, 2011, 08:52:54 AM ---Seems like every week is a crap shoot in this conference. We can outscore anyone but when will we stop somebody?

--- End quote ---

next year

This week.....yipes....Indiana State AT....Northern Iowa (the dreaded dome)

How I hope that Indiana State gets win #3 in the conference. 
For so long they have struggled and besides that....Northern
Iowa is a thorn in my......side.     GO TREES


--- Quote from: Pita on October 04, 2011, 08:28:51 PM ---This week.....yipes....Indiana State AT....Northern Iowa (the dreaded dome)

How I hope that Indiana State gets win #3 in the conference. 
For so long they have struggled and besides that....Northern
Iowa is a thorn in my......side.     GO TREES

--- End quote ---

I'll second that, go trees!


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