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The public has reached high levels of ... with cancellations

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--- Quote from: go guins on April 09, 2020, 03:51:19 PM ---
--- Quote from: YSUinBoston on April 08, 2020, 06:21:52 AM ---This aged well

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Boy, it sure didn’t did it?

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Read this simpletons.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on April 11, 2020, 09:21:34 AM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on April 09, 2020, 03:51:19 PM ---
--- Quote from: YSUinBoston on April 08, 2020, 06:21:52 AM ---This aged well

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Boy, it sure didn’t did it?

--- End quote ---

Read this simpletons.

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One minor difference. Sweden's government listens to medical experts and relays their suggestions with a single, clear directive. Ours ignores their advice and tells people to do things like seek out the malaria, lupus and arthritis drug hydroxychloroquine, despite no clinical trial indicating its effectiveness in combating COVID-19.

Did we go overboard by isolating everyone instead of those in the high at-risk categories? Probably so. We missed the boat on having a national plan so state governors did their own thing, erring on the side of caution.

I live in a beach town, and I sure am seeing a LOT of elderly, out-of-state tourists who are ignoring the government and medical communities advice to self-isolate AT HOME. I wonder if that can be said for the ones Sweden has asked to stay put? I would bet not.

There's a lot to be said for common sense and a unified message. We have what, 5 states STILL without any social distancing restrictions?

Don't be shocked if are doing this again in the fall.

IAA Fan:
There is no worthwhile president that would instill national restrictions in a state. The last time I checked, the unemployment Bureau is a State Office.The law suits would last until the next century (as I feel they should in that case). The US supreme court is always going to rule in favor of state's rights when it come to employment matters. SO don't blame the president. I do not care for the guy, but he has done much better that I ever thought he could possibly do with this. He has given the states broad powers and gave them financial backing.

As far as Covid-19 coming back, of course it will. It will be mutated by then and any covid-19 vaccine might be useless; but it could reduce the severity of any "Covid-20+".

As to the economic side of this, the Federal Government does not have the resources to put anything in place in every state. Also the congressional arguments as to when the restrictions should be lifted would never end. The VP has been fantastic in his communications with the various state offices and Ohio has been terrific. Going to be lots of idiotic law suits against the Ohio Governor's offices and the state DOH, but the president will back them. This is what was planned all along.

116000 + dead in the US alone. I guess all the trained epidemiologists on this site were off a bit in their predictions.

Hey heres one fot the simpltons latest figures USA deaths per 100K  30, Sweden deaths per 100K 40. ! ENGAGE BRAIN THEN AND ONLY THEN ENGAGE MOUTH.


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