Buddy, not sure I understand. Are you touting Ryan, Steet and Zwick or Brungaurd and Tidwell as being a successful use of 2 QB's? The earlier comment about Ray Isaac's back-up playing was in fact due to injury so it doesn't "count" in my book. If you are, I don't agree.
You pick your best guy and play him. If you have a junior/senior with a freshman backup, you try to get the freshman some snaps when you are way up (or down) in a game, getting ready for later, but if you want to win in football, you have 1 QB. That's the rule and I don't know of a successful exception. This mess on offense they have in Columbus certainly isn't an example of successful use of 2 QBs . If they didn't have Elliott as the fall back in the second half, they might have a loss or 2 already.