IAA Fan, my question was directed towards paladin since he said he was from central ohio. But your description also intrigues me. Dont get me wrong, I'm glad your a fan, Im just curious what caused you to be such a big penguin fan? Did you attend YSU?
For myself, I grew up in youngstown. My family is from youngstown for 2 generations. Then we moved to the suburbs when I turned 12. Everyone who has graduated college in my entire family is a ysu graduate for at least their undergraduate degree. My uncle was even a ysu policeman back in the day and would take me to the games he had to work with my cousins when i was a child in the 90s and tressel was the coach.
So you can say I was basically born a YSU fan, but I also attended YSU for my undergrad (and now for my masters) and even if I hadnt "grown up YSU" I would have become a fan then because I was attending the school.