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Messages - Fromunda Cheese

Pages: [1]
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:19:33 AM »
You've never been to Nebraska bro, where the opponent gets applauded as they leave the field...

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 04:35:05 AM »
The ball was 40 feet over the receivers head anyway.  Gtfo our message board how about that.

40 feet eh?  Strange that 2 players jump 40' and both touched the ball.

the shame of this is pelini lost his mind over a justifiable call and cost ysu any chance of tying the game.  typical pelini, cutting off his nose to spite his face

The ball was 40 feet over the receivers head anyway.  Gtfo our message board how about that.

40 feet eh?  Strange that 2 players jump 40' and both touched the ball.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Bo
« on: November 16, 2015, 03:13:20 PM »
There were times I wanted to leave the stands, and go onto the sidelines and check Heacock's pulse.  He was a sweet teddy bear, and how did that work out?

I've never seen BP yell at players, other coaches, fans, vendors, students.  Nope.  Just officials...and only when they made bad calls.  If he was a raving, out of control lunatic, then how could he so effectively direct his anger? (yes, I've heard the NE stories).

I sat behind a home bench at a WBB game when Bolden was HC, and that dude went off on his players, but not to anyone else.  Is that better? 

Much of this is being pumped up by those who hate YSU anyway, and anyone who has accomplished anything in life has pissed people off and made enemies.  This is a nonstory.

The government has devalued the currency through qualitative easing, and thereby ripping everybody off who is reading this.  Yet, we focus on some FB coach yelling.  FUBAR.

I believed the same thing for 6 1/2 years before the hard truth about what Pelini's personality was doing to the team smacked me upside the head.

You go on believing that, hopefully it doesn't take you 6 1/2 years to realize your coach will cut off his nose to spite his face over and over and over and over.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Another Prespective
« on: November 16, 2015, 03:10:22 PM »
To make one thing clear:  There is absolutely no love lost between this Omaha reporter and Pelini, BUT he does have a great point.

>>You can blast Bo Pelini for his behavior in the final minute of Youngstown State-North Dakota State. But I'm want to focus — just for a moment — on a different angle to Saturday's meltdown: the actual result of the game.
I don't recall seeing a head coach essentially give up on his team the way Pelini did after the pass interference call (which was the right call!). NDSU has first-and-goal at the Youngstown 6-yard line. The Bison run on first down and get stuffed with 1:14 left.
Pelini should've called timeout. Any coach with his head on straight would've called timeout. There's absolutely no risk for the Bison in running clock. The team that needs to preserve clock is Youngstown. Pelini didn't do it. NDSU milks the clock, then scores on second-and-goal with 35 seconds left.
Then, of course, he committed two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties when his team only needed about 40 yards to reach field-goal range, tie the game and save the season.
Over the past 36 hours, there's been a lot of talk here and across the country about Pelini's latest meltdown. But imagine being the quarterback or a wide receiver or an offensive lineman. You should've had a minute left to go tie (or win) the game.
Instead, your head coach basically blacked out

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 16, 2015, 03:04:57 PM »

YSU Penguin Athletics / Pass Interference?
« on: November 16, 2015, 10:59:33 AM »

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