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Messages - usdcoyotes

Pages: [1]
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU @ South Dakota: 10/03 3 pm
« on: October 01, 2015, 12:39:12 PM »
Hello Guin fans.  Long time USD fan here extending an invitation to anyone coming out to join our tailgate prior to the game.  We have plenty of beverages, one former player has a Bloody Mary bar, another has a portable bar that he makes all these weird concoctions for the ladies, and plenty of food.

Very interesting game, at least in our eyes.  I understand the lack of respect you have for us, we haven't showed well since joining The Valley, but maybe we might be on the mend.  I believe you are favorites heading into the game, and rightfully so, but I don't think this is a team you are going to blow out.  I think your coach is in for a very interesting day with respect to the student section right on top of him.  His legacy from Nebraska ( right across the river) precedes him.  Also his fondness for cats will be well demonstrated and on exhibit.

Regarding the game, our defense is much improved, especially the secondary. A lot of new kids up front, transplants from the offense, but very athletic kids.  We have one back that is a grinder.  I think our one chance in winning this game lies with our kicking game.  Our punter/kicker has a huge leg, and if he's on, and we can hold the ball for more than three plays at a time so our D rests, we may have a game.

Anyway, let me know if any of you are planning to come, and I'll get you pointedly in the right direction for our tailgate.  I think you'll find Midwestern people, specifically South Dakotans, to be very hospitable people.

Tell me about the strengths and weaknesses of your team, and how you honestly assess the game?  Safe travels.

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