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Messages - BishopsFather2310

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Other Penguins in the NFL for 2017?
« on: May 25, 2017, 08:40:40 PM »
I was reading where the Broncos did not resign Brandian Ross after his one-year deal. I hope he lands somewhere, he is our only remaining veteran player.
My buddy coaches high school football @ Hickory high school in Hermitage, Pa and he said Brandian Ross was introduced as their D. Coordinator this year, retired because of concussions...

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Nice article on Rivers and Moss
« on: January 03, 2017, 08:09:49 PM »
Proud to say I've had the pleasure of watching these 2 young student athletes... Even happier the country was able to see their greatness as well!!! Can't wait to buy their NFL Jersey's as soon as they land those roster spots!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: 2017 Recruiting class
« on: December 29, 2016, 08:44:21 PM »
My nephew is on the team and he told me on Christmas that we have a Wide out coming in from O.State! And remember the name of Braxton Chapman, he is definitely bigger than 195, more in the 210-215 range already and he is still 17yrs old! Alot of fans want a big back and he will certain be that in the future, he is coming off a ACL injury so he may red-shirt next year, but remember I said look out for this kid in the future! Check his hudl highlights out when you get a chance... He is also a straight A student!

For my money Missouri State Nov. 19th.  They didn't put up much of a fight, but it allowed us to "practice" with a real team on the field and we seemed to "settle in" with Hunter at QB.

In case anybody is getting all excited about going to Frisco after the Ice Castle and the "Inferno", please note the current temp. in Frisco now is 16!!
Right now though, the temp for Jan. 7th is 68° hope that holds up...

I'm ready.  Let's go GUINS!
Please tell me where you gat that flag??? It would look unbelievable in my game/sports memorabilia room!!!

Please be careful with that. The YSU athletic department might come after you for "trademark violation" as they did to us, the YSU academic colleges.
I'm talking about at my house!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Frisco Roll Call
« on: December 18, 2016, 01:53:36 AM »
Myself and 5 others will be there... Can't wait to party in bleachers with my fellow GuinGamers!!! God bless you all and Happy Holidays!!! Great way to end this year and start a new, that's for sure!!!

I'm ready.  Let's go GUINS!
Please tell me where you gat that flag??? It would look unbelievable in my game/sports memorabilia room!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 17, 2016, 12:49:10 AM »
If I didn't know any better I would think this is a EWU forum with all these "if we wanna have a shot" quotes!!! First off no team has stopped or even really slowed our ground game, not even NDSU or SDSU, that's was just at a time when our offense was putrid and we were turning the ball over at an alarming rate! Well those days are behind us and we are playing great ball in every phase of the game other than last week's kicking game mishaps because Kennedy was hurt. EWU run defense is terrible, their biggest weakest is our biggest strength. You can run the football in any weather but I'm not sure you can throw with the same effectiveness @ 0° so advantage Guins there also! Another thing guys are losing the minds over is how many times can we run the ball without Ruiz, well Webb carried it 37 times Saturday with 1 fumble, as a team I think we ran it 49 times and Ruiz carried it 1x so that's something we need not worry about! Webb just broke the school record for single game All-Purpose yards and has been on an 1st Team All-American type rare since his knee is back to 100% but we are worried about someone that is not gonna b playing? Doesn't make sense to me. Now I am worried about both of our Safties being out but Powell has played well all year so I think we will b ok. This isn't the same team from earlier in the year, they will b fine!!! No one dimensional team can beat this Guins team, period!!! See you guys in Frisco!

Thanks for the laughs. Ask Richmond and their 1.3 ypc how they felt about our run defense.

And EWU one dimensional? Please. Our short passing game is our run game, not to mention when GG takes it up the middle because your back 7 is all in coverage, afraid to give up any more deep balls. We put up 44 on NDSU, and only lost after missing at FG at the end of regulation.

Am I saying YSU doesn't stand a chance? Not at all. But to act like YSU is a lock to win... laughable.
The fact that you said your passing gnaw is your run game lets me know your one dimensional, no your run game is your run game and passing is passing! Like I said, the Penguins won't lose to a one dimensional team, now if you guys can have an effective run game to go with your passing attack tomorrow, then you guys may win but if u don't, the Guins will be in Frisco in a few weeks. And also I'm pretty sure I was writing that message to my fellow Guin fans so I really don't understand why you commented but either way, have a good one and good luck tomorrow night...

I'm not sure why being "one dimensional" is so bad if it works.  Heck, Wofford almost scalped you, and you don't get more one dimensional than them.  It seems "one dimensional" is only perceived as bad if the dimension is passing.

I don't think we are as one dimensional as Cal Poly, the Citidel, or Wofford.  But we are obviously skewed towards the pass, and are the top passing team in the playoffs.  There have been times where that has really concerned me.  But that concern has been unnecessary, as every defense we've faced has tried to stop our passing game, and failed.  And, what's funny, is our most effective periods of running is when teams focus on trying to shut down our passing game.  Heck, I have to admit, I've really expected someone to figure out our offense, and stop it.  But for the most part, that really hasn't happened, be it FBS WSU, NDSU, UCA, Richmond, or UNI (whose effectiveness on D was more a factor of Gubrud not playing well in the wind than the UNI D).  Maybe you guys will be the ones to do it...and if you are, you will win.  I hope, and I believe that will not be the case.
Name 1 "one dimensional" team that has ever won a Title in football!!! I'll wait!!! Who cares what Wofford almost did, who cares who you guys almost did against NDSU, who cares about Washington State or whoever else you mentioned. The Patriots vs The Giants (twice), Panthers vs Broncos, Cardinals vs Steelers, Rams vs Patriots etc Great defenses vs Great Offenses... The Great Defense will win out!!! That of course if all things being equal... Turnovers, field position, special teams play etc. I promise this is my last post unless you force me to reply but coming back with a great point lol

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 16, 2016, 10:52:37 PM »
If I didn't know any better I would think this is a EWU forum with all these "if we wanna have a shot" quotes!!! First off no team has stopped or even really slowed our ground game, not even NDSU or SDSU, that's was just at a time when our offense was putrid and we were turning the ball over at an alarming rate! Well those days are behind us and we are playing great ball in every phase of the game other than last week's kicking game mishaps because Kennedy was hurt. EWU run defense is terrible, their biggest weakest is our biggest strength. You can run the football in any weather but I'm not sure you can throw with the same effectiveness @ 0° so advantage Guins there also! Another thing guys are losing the minds over is how many times can we run the ball without Ruiz, well Webb carried it 37 times Saturday with 1 fumble, as a team I think we ran it 49 times and Ruiz carried it 1x so that's something we need not worry about! Webb just broke the school record for single game All-Purpose yards and has been on an 1st Team All-American type rare since his knee is back to 100% but we are worried about someone that is not gonna b playing? Doesn't make sense to me. Now I am worried about both of our Safties being out but Powell has played well all year so I think we will b ok. This isn't the same team from earlier in the year, they will b fine!!! No one dimensional team can beat this Guins team, period!!! See you guys in Frisco!

Thanks for the laughs. Ask Richmond and their 1.3 ypc how they felt about our run defense.

And EWU one dimensional? Please. Our short passing game is our run game, not to mention when GG takes it up the middle because your back 7 is all in coverage, afraid to give up any more deep balls. We put up 44 on NDSU, and only lost after missing at FG at the end of regulation.

Am I saying YSU doesn't stand a chance? Not at all. But to act like YSU is a lock to win... laughable.
The fact that you said your passing gnaw is your run game lets me know your one dimensional, no your run game is your run game and passing is passing! Like I said, the Penguins won't lose to a one dimensional team, now if you guys can have an effective run game to go with your passing attack tomorrow, then you guys may win but if u don't, the Guins will be in Frisco in a few weeks. And also I'm pretty sure I was writing that message to my fellow Guin fans so I really don't understand why you commented but either way, have a good one and good luck tomorrow night...

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eastern Washington
« on: December 14, 2016, 06:18:07 PM »
If I didn't know any better I would think this is a EWU forum with all these "if we wanna have a shot" quotes!!! First off no team has stopped or even really slowed our ground game, not even NDSU or SDSU, that's was just at a time when our offense was putrid and we were turning the ball over at an alarming rate! Well those days are behind us and we are playing great ball in every phase of the game other than last week's kicking game mishaps because Kennedy was hurt. EWU run defense is terrible, their biggest weakest is our biggest strength. You can run the football in any weather but I'm not sure you can throw with the same effectiveness @ 0° so advantage Guins there also! Another thing guys are losing the minds over is how many times can we run the ball without Ruiz, well Webb carried it 37 times Saturday with 1 fumble, as a team I think we ran it 49 times and Ruiz carried it 1x so that's something we need not worry about! Webb just broke the school record for single game All-Purpose yards and has been on an 1st Team All-American type rare since his knee is back to 100% but we are worried about someone that is not gonna b playing? Doesn't make sense to me. Now I am worried about both of our Safties being out but Powell has played well all year so I think we will b ok. This isn't the same team from earlier in the year, they will b fine!!! No one dimensional team can beat this Guins team, period!!! See you guys in Frisco!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Guins vs. Bison: In game thread
« on: November 05, 2016, 06:12:07 PM »
Hunter Wells gives us the best chance to win lmfao... U idiots got what u wished for!!! I would be pissed if this dude was the starting qb at my high school and y'all wanted him to start for your D1 college team

Let me start off by saying #GoGuins... If we can win the T.O.P battle this week, I really think we have a great shot @ winning in the FargoDome, NDSU has looked very vulnerable lately! Sure our offense has been bad but our defense is the best in the FCS lead by the best D-End tandem in the country!!! Offense just has to protect the ball, put together some clock eating drives and capitalize when we get in the red zone, whether that means getting 3 or 7 points... I know it's easier said than done but we did it @ WVU with 450 total yards so I remain optimistic!!! If we do that we win cause NDSU doesn't have the speed on the outside that WVU has, so Easton Stick won't have the luxury of just throwing the ball 50 yards down field to wide open receivers... No turnovers, decent offensive production, and the defense does what they always do and walk out of there with the W... Gonna b a fun one to watch and gonna b even more fun when the guys are headed home in 1st Place and on their way to a Conference Title... I BELIEVE AND SO SHOULD YOU!!! Have a good one guys!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: SDSU In-Game
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:05:29 PM »
We have to accept the fact that Tevin McCaster needs the ball more and is by far the best rb we have!!! I'm sorry Jody and Martin, I know they are Srs and all but McCaster is the best rb we have, he does more with less opportunity!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: SDSU In-Game
« on: October 22, 2016, 04:59:26 PM »
ytownchief22... I hate to say it but I agree 100%, I couldn't have said it better myself!!! They abosultely look like a Hugh school team just guessing and running plays just because

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: SDSU In-Game
« on: October 22, 2016, 04:46:34 PM »
If my high school coach was Bo Pelini in the locker room at the half of this game, he would say "Pound ummmmm, you Pound um... Running backs put your head down, run as fast as you can and wen you make contact... Pound um, Oline, hold your blocks and Pound um!!! That's exactly what we need to do in this 2nd half!!! #GoGuins

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