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Messages - GoGuins2010

Pages: [1]
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Any Scoop
« on: April 03, 2013, 03:13:13 PM »
Wick your positivity kills me!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Jambar: Success equals sales
« on: April 03, 2013, 03:06:52 PM »
Maybe less time at the MVR and more effort marketing.  Just saying...

What exactly are you implying?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Ed Muransky
« on: March 22, 2013, 12:42:11 PM »
I wish it was Hannon that was leaving. I may be actually able to tell what the hell is going on during the game.

Great post Indy. I always appreciate your knowledge/insight when it comes to hoops.

Great atmosphere last night and some of the fans (ahem...) got on the Oakland thugs pretty well. Team played very well and as ysuguins4 said, congrats to those who came and rooted the team on. It does help. And shame to those naysayers, this was a good thing for the program.

There are far too many naysayers in Youngstown. Anyone who says this isn't good for the program are pathetic. It is. From where we were when Slocum took over the program, to where we are now, is a significant step.

With the win, YSU now has 18 on the season. They will have a legitimate chance to get to 20. 20 wins is a magic number when it comes to recruiting.

Sigh, an article telling YSU fans why they should attend a basketball game... That's not embarrassing or anything... SMH

My mistake I meant to say first bowl win in school history. But they had to pony up the cash to do it.

OU is closer to being a MAC football power than YSU is to winning a football national championship.

College athletics right now is an arms race. And right now YSU isn't leading in the spending category. It's nice to see the Butler Final Four run finally paying off.

YSU will need 5,000 people to break even. Won't happen. But minimizing the investment, like most teams who play in a college football do, helps the cause.

If anyone thinks YSU is really trying to make a profit off of this game, I have some up and coming property on the South-side of Youngstown I'll sell you for a great deal!

Why are we so worried about YSU making a profit from this game? I would venture to so, none of the schools participating make a profit. Outside of a few college football bowl games, most schools take a huge hit by participating in them. Ohio University took a $100,000 hit by participating in the Idaho Potato Bowl two years ago. It was their first ever post season appearance, similar to YSU's here. OU's AD/President looked at it as an investment into their football program. I'm sure YSU does the game.

What we don't know is two things... How much does the Horizon League contribute, because the HL is contributing something to this. And did a booster step up to the plate and help pay the $35,000.

One think to take into consideration is: Butler back-to-back runs to the Final Four is benefitting YSU greatly. And this is paid off over time, not one large lump sum. So YSU is really just starting to rake in the financial benefits from their run into the tournament.

The typical Youngstown way of thinking is, how can we get $35,000 back in one game. It's not possible. Quite honestly, it's a stupid way of thinking. But if you look at the $35,000 as an investment, you know you'll get it back over time.

OU, Ken, Akron, JMU, Liberty, LA Tech, Valpo, UNI, Indiana State etc. paid the same amount of money to participate in the same tournament in years past. I'm sure if you ask any YSU basketball fan if they'd like to be more like those programs they'd say absolutely!

Agree 100% Go. It's pathetic the negative mentality people from Youngstown seem to have. I've traveled a lot of places and still consider Ytown home, but by God the negativity of anything positive. People wonder why Ytown has the problems that it does.

We were one of the worst basketball teams in America before Slocum took over. Now we have back-to-back winning seasons, and our first post season basketball appearance in Division I history. And people still nag at the negative. Good God, what is wrong with this area?

Only in Youngstown can anyone find something negative about YSU participating in their first Division I Post Season Basketball Tournament.

You people complain non-stop about the budget and then when YSU does pay to host something that's a positive for the University and basketball program, people actually have the nerve to bash it.

You people look at $35,000 as if it is a significant amount of money. YSU's athletics budget is $11.96 million for 2013. To put this in perspective, this accounts for .0029% of it's 2013 budget.

I would say $35,000 is a very worthy investment for a basketball program that has never made a post season tournament. But only a simpleton couldn't see that.

Stay negative Youngstown!!!

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