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Messages - Pizza

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: This weeks game
« on: September 17, 2011, 08:05:58 PM »
We have been scoring 30-40 points a game for 2 years now.

Is anyone other than me wondering about the defenses at the 1-aa level in our league?

Should we not spend every available scholarship next year on defense? We are loaded offensively with freshman and sophs.

Just wondering here.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: This weeks game
« on: September 17, 2011, 08:00:36 PM »
Happy, have you been hitting the Yingling again?

Just got "introduced" to Yingling. After the first two sips...which are get hooked.

I did.

Congrats to the entire YSU football program. A great win today!!!!!

After YSU's performance this past weekend, the "Guins'" should be ranked in the Top 20!

Many of the teams ranked ahead of them, got "tooled" in their games against FBS schools. Many of whom aren't as good as Michigan State. We as an FCS school showed up and actually competed.

These sportswriters and AD's who vote on this stuff, need to "wake up and smell the coffee".

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Post-Game Thoughts?
« on: September 04, 2011, 10:31:17 AM »
I thought we did just fine. We are a better team than last year.

As far as the Db's and Delesio......we don't know what coverages they are in for any particular play. Sometimes it looks like someone gets beat when actually someone else had the primary responsibility. The fact is we just don't know. Now if someone is just getting beat physically on the line of scrimmage for example, that is much easier to determine.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Speaking of Depth Charts ...
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:45:02 PM »
Sorry but i have to agree that the Rich Rod teams at the end were very bad.

MAC teams had better defenses than Michigan the last 3 years. And new coach or not, they won't be Big Ten caliber for another year or two. The offense, was explosive though.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Offical Preview and Michigan State Preview
« on: August 31, 2011, 07:24:29 PM »
Glad the black pants are back, I may have missed it but what is our payday for this game?

Today's Vindicator article said it's $600,000.

$600K seems paltry. Didn't we get $750K+ for Penn State and Ohio State? Granted they have larger stadiums, but actual attendence for those games would pretty close wouldn't they?

Just askin'. Maybe someone has the numbers which can correct my assumptions.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Interesting quote from coach W
« on: August 24, 2011, 12:38:42 AM »
He has recruited better players. His talent level has gone up. His legacy will be determined by "his" guys.
He's not here to win a popularity contest. Although I agree that being "empathetic" and being "tough" are not mutually exclusive character traits. Most great coaches manage "both". Many a wise man would say that you can "catch more bees with "honey" than you can with "vinegar".

Let's hope that "piss and vinegar" translates to on-field production. I think it will. I hope it happens. Coach Reno at Steubenville (who has had a pretty nice career) always said......"Their are those that are humble......and those who are about to be humbled".

Let's go Guins!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: depth chart
« on: August 21, 2011, 10:29:10 PM »
Josh Lee is going to have a big year!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: report from the first scrimmage
« on: August 14, 2011, 06:48:18 PM »
Wolford seems to stocked the defense very well...major talent on it..whats the deal with Hill? i watched the video and Wolford was very happy with the D...said they are looking at different combinations on O line.

A lot has been said after last years record. But after watching this scrimmage, I do find this team to be bigger and deeper. Coach Wolf has recruited SIZE at all posiitions. Recruiting was not the previous regime's strong point. We have gotten better, because we have better players now. Still a ways to go IMHO, but we are getting big bodies and athletes. Hopefully these athletes perform at the level in which they are capable. That will make a lot of people happy.

Lots' of guys getting "dinged" though. That could be an issue, as injuries always are.

Hate to lose Taylor Hill. A scholarship issue from what I can surmise. It's tough to play for free. He was the leading tackler 2 years ago after all. The kid could play. Sorry to see the kid from Ursuline leave too. He was a just a "sprained" ankle away from getting some serious reps. Belamy hurt something in his leg on a nice TD run. Can't ever have too many good backs.

Hope all the kids who left the best. 

That should be required reading Pizza ...great post.

Thanks, but I just state my humble opinion and the great  talent required on that venture.....LOL.

But appreciate it nontheless.

Welcome Travis!!!!!!


and stay out of trouble......the library during your free time is a great place to do that!

Just sayin'......just a thought.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Allen Jones
« on: August 03, 2011, 10:35:44 PM »
There must be some info......somewhere.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: 2011 Guins predicted to finish 8th...!!!
« on: August 03, 2011, 10:32:31 PM »
If the defense develops and can be labeled as "average," we will be very competitive against any FCS opponent.  If the defense develops and can be labeled as "good," we will win and win big.  What media types and opponent sids over 500 miles away think should be of no concern or interest to us. 

We played last season with a freshman quarterback and a sophomore/freshman tandem at running back, and we put up record breaking numbers.  Those guys should improve.  Sure no receiver has asserted himself yet, but we all realize that running the football is the key to great success.

Do these coaches impress you as the kind of individuals who will put up with the shoddy defense that we experienced last season?  That is not the impression I have.  I will be shocked if our defense is not at least average, and they probably will be good. 

Finally, consider the level of talent that Wolford inherited and then look at the credentials of the players in this program now.  It's coming, and it will start this year.

Yes Sir.....that's how i see it. It's just common sense.

It would be appropriate to give any young man a second chance. To any youngster.......who made a bad decision out of HS......If you play your cards right you can have a great career and get a shot at the "League" with a great career at YSU.

If however, you are another Sir Demarco Bledsoe......who came in from TCU and thought he was "all that".......well then, your stay here will be short.

"WHO NAMES their kid "SIR"......anyway?......a red flag there, wouldn't you agree?

Wake up folks!!!!!!

As a potential YSU football player.......Be a team guy and leave any ego you may have at the door........all eyes are on you and we don't care where you came from. We know football in this area.

Produce for a great staff and program. Then you can "brag" and "style" when your name gets called in the NFL.

First things first......

Don't be another stupid casualty of the thinking......."I came from the 'U" or wherever.....and I'm better than you. You'll have a real short stay here if that is your mentality. Because when you get here, you'll be surprised to find the talent level the "Guins" have. Most of who were "over looked" at bigger programs. You may move from 2nd team at your current school  to 3rd team at YSU.......So come prepared!

Right now, you have 100% support. Maximize that....grow it to 125%. Don't screw it up to 20%.

Be "the guy" for 2-3 short years. Then do what you will . Take advantage of a great opportunity.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

Are you WISE ...??

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: MSU
« on: July 27, 2011, 07:10:32 PM »
Personally I'd like to see an App State/Michigan outcome. MSU won a lot of close games last year to achieve that record. Then they were embarrassed by an SEC team (Bama') in their bowl.......which was very ugly.

Very very ugly.....If you wanted to "fire" a strength coach........look at that game........or give  credit to better talent and recruiting....just saying.

To go into any game with the mindset of "keeping it close", is a defeatist one.

Let's go up there and beat them.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Allen Jones
« on: July 27, 2011, 07:02:22 PM »
Any word on where Jones will end up? Another 1-AA? Maybe a minimum scholarship 1-AA like Robert Morris? Maybe D2 Slippery Rock.....or D3....He could be a star at Mount Union if they could find someone to cover the "other half".

Any ideas?

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