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Messages - Pizza

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Joe Tresey New Defensive Coordinator
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:17:38 PM »
He appears to be quite the football gypsy, and it probably would have been a bad thing if Wolford had hired him in 2010 when he was building the foundation.  But now, two years later, we have the best offense in FCS football and it is returning intact.  Now is the time for a "quick fix" on defense.  If Tresey can lift the defense to just average status in 2012 and 2013, that would give our offense the chance to overwhelm our opponents.  Where he coaches in 2014 is of little concern. 

I also like the fact that Tresey has coached in the midwest, south, and west.  He should be familiar with multiple styles and should be able to develop a scheme that works best for our talent.  Just because he ran an attacking defense elsewhere does not guarantee that he will do the same here.

...........Uhhhhhh.........OK......the greatest SPIN in the history of mankind!!!......LOL

He lost his job, and no one else wanted this gig........ that's why he went from "Rodeo Drive" to Hillman Avenue.

Wolf was probably lucky in getting him.......aaarghh.....

But whatever the of luck to all involved. Give the guy a chance......even if it's his 33rd!!!

Good Lord I should have gone into coaching..!!!

Non YSU Sports / Re: If Akise Teague.....
« on: February 15, 2012, 10:47:32 PM »
All I can guess and surmise is that Wolf and Smith know things we don't. Maybe this wasn't an isolated incident. Maybe this has been going on for a while while he was at Ursuline. I'm just trying to put the pieces together.

Those guys are in tight with Ursuline. Heard Teague actually lived with Smith at some point in time....(that's just a rumor..mind you).

I don't know. Maybe many issues with the kids Ursuline has been recruiting. Maybe YSU guys know what's going on.

Can only wish the best for the kid. Hope he gets a second chance.

Non YSU Sports / Re: If Akise Teague.....
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:01:40 PM »
eeerily.....silent on this topic. A former Mr. Ohio Football.....from our town.....and nothing is happening? No one is talking about it ???

Hey, the kid is 19-20. Made a about second chances folks?

If there is more to this story, I as a Penguin fan, would appreciate someone reporting on it.

"One time" mistakes by any of us should be forgiven. And myself as a Christian would give anyone a 2nd , 3rd and 4th chance......when they make efforts to improve.

I just don't get the lack of support for a good kid from the area.

Wolf and Rollen Smith are Ursuline guys......knew Akise well.......knew what the program was all about....

This is a no-brainer to me. Surely the Teague kid can play. What is the hold-up??

Give the kid a chance...a second chance.

Non YSU Sports / Re: If Akise Teague.....
« on: February 10, 2012, 09:41:37 PM »
Anyone have updates on Teague?.......would love to have him at YSU. A great HS football player. On par,... size and speed wise with Jamaine Cook. Probably a tad taller. Cook is sick...if you ever saw him train. Don't know Teague has that ability or discipline (Cook is a engineering major.....if I'm not mistaken).....and he doesn't steal from his teammates. But Teague has "moves" Cook doesn't, ... on the field.

Back to the $64,000 question....let's discuss. (I'm all for giving any young kid a second chance). I know what I did as a youngster. I was a good kid. Wouldn't want to be judged as an 18 year old.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Coaches defend YSU WR recruit
« on: February 08, 2012, 09:58:52 PM »
Let's give the kid a chance......his second chance. One more chance........if he isn't in the library, when he isn't in class or the "weightroom"......he should be asked to leave.

Non YSU Sports / Re: If Akise Teague.....
« on: February 08, 2012, 09:53:22 PM »
You know I get really tired of the whole "second chance" thing.  Throughout life, not just as it relates to football.

But as it relates to football, you are more likely to get a "second chance" if you run a 4.4 and can score touchdowns.  Any back-up OL busted for whatever  getting a "second chance" anywhere?  Let me know as soon as you read that story.

Note to all:  Everyone does NOT deserve a second chance.
Alex Boone, Evan Blankenship both were backups as freshman, given 2nd chances after being arrested for being drunk

Boone IMHO......underachieved. He was what.....6'7" 320lbs....If I was that big I would have been put in jail after every game for "involuntary manslaughter".

And I don't even know who Blankenship was. Just another "large body" that under-achieved at the OSU.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU defensive coordinator leaves
« on: February 07, 2012, 10:08:56 PM »
Wolford is taking his time and being thorough, just as he did after he was hired and assembled his staff.  That is a good thing.  Perhaps the DC will be someone that has not even been mentioned here.  As another poster suggested, with our offense, this has got to be a very attractive job.  You don't have to be perfect; just don't stink.

Agreed! Like or hate Wolf......this team is better. Better athletes. Not the same "community" feeling. No doubt. It's all business. But he is a couple of Db's away IMO.

How long he'll stay win or the $64,000 question.

How long can we keep coach M is the $65,000 question.  ;)

Yep......agreed. It's a team effort......Teams and least successful ones........have people who
"love"them.........will run thru a wall for them. It'll be interesting to see if that happens.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU defensive coordinator leaves
« on: February 06, 2012, 10:40:28 PM »
Wolford is taking his time and being thorough, just as he did after he was hired and assembled his staff.  That is a good thing.  Perhaps the DC will be someone that has not even been mentioned here.  As another poster suggested, with our offense, this has got to be a very attractive job.  You don't have to be perfect; just don't stink.

Agreed! Like or hate Wolf......this team is better. Better athletes. Not the same "community" feeling. No doubt. It's all business. But he is a couple of Db's away IMO.

How long he'll stay win or the $64,000 question.

Non YSU Sports / Re: If Akise Teague.....
« on: February 06, 2012, 10:23:14 PM »
Hey Pizza the hut.  How about taking your Ursuline comments to JJ Huddle were they belong. Seems that Teague is not the issue, but rather Ursuline is the issue with you.  Still smarting are you over the drinking and smoking on the "money" opps i meant the mooney campus.

Actually I think Teague can help YSU. As I've said mant times, he's a heck of a football player. Although it appears Cinci thinks otherwise. And I hope he gets the chance (a second chance). But my points are valid. Something is amiss. And everyone knows it. And I haven't been on JJ Huddle for 2 -3 years. They are politically correct over there. That's just one of the reasons they are dying on that site.

People want truth, no matter who's
feelings are hurt, by the truth.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Expectations for next year?
« on: February 05, 2012, 05:01:06 PM »
I am relativley certain that some Good coaches recognize the potential of this team with the level of talent and age of the team. We should get a good one.

No doubt. The "table has been set". Some lucky "D Coordinator" will be able to take advantage of it.

Then he'll be the "NEW" .....Hot Guy......being in the right place at the right time......does matter.

Got to have the talent to make it happen though.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Recruiting News..?
« on: February 04, 2012, 09:50:01 PM »
Yeah he does have a big ego, but the kid can play. Basketball or football. When your 6-6, somebody will give him a chance. He is a good kid once you get to know him. Boardman screwed him over by not getting him recruited. They pretty much punished him for trying to leave and go to harding. That's how boardman is, if not their way, nobodys way. He will end up walking on somewhere and making a difference once he hits the weight room

No He screwed himself over, he burned bridges before he left, then when he found out he wouldnt be able to play sports at Harding he wanted back in boardman. the Kids a huge jackass and headcase and hope he stays far far away from YSU
how did being 6'5 and playing basketball workout for Pat White?

Lots' of truth to your statement......agreed.

But until he gets shot with a bullet in the leg (Jamel Turner/Ursuline)...on a Friday night out with the boys......or "steals" a dorm room....from his fellow students (Akise Teague/ Ursuline /Cinci..)......we should at least give a youngster.....with "bad judgement", a chance.

It's all about second chances. Kids need that.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Expectations for next year?
« on: February 04, 2012, 09:27:40 PM »

I have to respectfully disagree. Heacock had better defenses with less talent. Over the last 2 years our LB's have been non-existent. The CB's have not improved. Yes I know we had some injuries, but we didn't improve.

Lol......I'm not trying to compare the two. Heacock was a brilliant DC. I witnessed it firsthand. Heacock had it all IMO....His hands are heavy with "rings" to prove it.

I'm just throwing out a "bone" to a guy who many/most of the current players liked and "played hard" for.

Over the next few years...that same compliment will be awarded to "some". And NOT TO ALL.

Non YSU Sports / Re: If Akise Teague.....
« on: February 04, 2012, 07:37:42 PM »
Wouldn't it be safe to say that Ursuline is a mess?

I can just imagine all the Ursuline faithful, ...which built that school to it's great prominence.....they must be ingesting this "Castor Oil"....with a lot of difficulty.

Was at 3 Ursuline games this year. The Delaware team beat them by 40+...St.Eds dominated.

No issues there. Those opponents were great.

My concern for Ursuline is that they had less than 1,000 fans at each game. Their alumni...situation is WEAK.

But to their credit, they do show up to the State Title games against D5 opponents. They should be credited for that.

Unfortunately kids who end up working at McDonalds over the next 15 years because of their police records won't help them.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Expectations for next year?
« on: February 04, 2012, 07:10:32 PM »
Kravitz wasn't the problem. The problem was they had "little" talent.....or "young" talent in the secondary while he was there.

He was the odd man out. Wolf needed to blame someone....Kravitz was it. That's not a knock on Wolf. That's how the game is played. You get 25 or so schollys each year....if Kravitz would have gotten 2-3 great DB's each year....he'd still be here now. But other issues (positions) needed to be addressed.

Hence......he's toast. He understands that. That's the life of a coach. Unless of course, you catch "lightening in bottle".....get lucky.....with great coaches in great situations.....everything works in a timely manner...and you become the "hot guy".

Then you can play that out for 10 years, make huge cash......and be better than average......and keep your job.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU defensive coordinator leaves
« on: February 03, 2012, 11:18:22 PM »
I was intrigued by the young Kehres, until 45 checked in.  As a player on one of our National Championship teams, his credentials at football analysis exceed those of anybody else on this site. 

When you are looking at Mt. Union's accomplishments, staggering as they are, remember one thing.  Unlike the scholarship divisions, there is no limit to the number of players that can try out for that team.  They start with some ridiculous figure like 200 players and go from there.  Every high school player in Ohio that is not good enough to acquire a scholarship would have Mt. Union first on his wish list.  Kehres also benefits from a handful of players who could make it on the D2 or even D1 levels but, for whatever reason, choose to be a whale in a small swimming pool.  So in every game that Mt. Union plays until the championship, they have an enormous talent advantage.  That edge disappears against Whitewater who seems to corner the market on non-scholarship Wisconsin/Minnesota players.  Bottom line is that it is somewhat dangerous to expect that coaching excellence at Mt. Union would translate to the scholarship divisions where the advantages in player procurement evaporate.

Interesting comment. And I agree with the premise.

Just to argue for the sake of talking football,.......let's ask ourselves a question or two. At one point in time, not every D1/D2 hopeful "wanted" to go to Mount Union after they got shunned by D1 programs. Something had to happen there make them all desire to go to Alliance. A few National Titles in a row created that yearly desire. Kehres created that.

And I too find it amazing that 200 freshman kids will try out for football. They don't get scholarships, some/many get 1/2 of a $35K/yr tuition covered. That still leaves paying more tuition than at YSU.

But Mount does get kids there regularly. And attracting great athletes....recruiting.....makes bad coaches look good. It's easy to go 8-3 or 9-2 at Ohio State.....isn't it?

It's Jimmies and Joes vs X's and O's........I'll take the athletes. That's why you see major college coaches recruiting convicted felons.

If you want to find a truly great Coach like Kehres, find the guy that turns around Hiram football. Then follow him when the get's the Head job at New Mexico State and turns them around. Then he'll get the job at Georgia State....(a new program in a more desirable location/Atlanta). Then when he wins their and upsets Alabama, Ga Tech or Georgia in a week #1 "money game".........Hire HIM!!!

Hire Him!!!......Because he won....playing with crappy players.

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