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Messages - YsuPride

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Scalzo: YSU’s Perry, Zuiker to transfer
« on: April 16, 2012, 05:53:32 PM »
Transfers may help.  Butler has a transfer from Arkansas in Rotnei Clark who averaged 15ppg in the SEC. That is not a type-o.  Loyala has Culley Payne a transfer from Iowa who was all newcomer in the Big Ten. Loyola also has a big guy Devin Hill from Depaul coming in.  Valpo has a Bobby Capobianco transfering from Indiana.  I think Detroit has a transfer in Nolan Dennis from Baylor.  All of these are eligible to play this coming season. 

Loyola had a great recruiting class plus those transfers so expect them to make a huge improvement next year.  Each team in the League is getting players 6-8 or bigger how come we cannot?

If we have two scholarships left then they need to be quality post players 6-8 or bigger.   

We may take a step back to the basement next year since the league is loaded and each team is bringing in great talent and size.

Most if not all of the teams in our league have several players 6-8 or above that contribute.  We don't have that under Slocum.  Don't think that we cannot get players like that.  I even looked at the rosters of some of the smaller conferences in D-1 and most of those schools have some size.   It is the mind set that some of you have that the players don't want to come to a mid-major school like YSU.  If others can do it we can as well.   Try harder Slocum.

These are updates Strollo needs to do more often.  Playing a game at Covelli Centre is interesting.  Beeghly center does need more updates and is getting a bit dated.  The scoreboards will help but the University will need to invest money to replace those bleachers that are from the 1970's and do some cosmetic updates inside the arena.   

He didn't mention next years non-conference opponents for mens basketball.   Does anyone have any idea who we are playing?  We should have a braket buster home game and also a return game at home with Austin Peay.  Anyone have info?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Penguin Baseball
« on: March 02, 2012, 11:11:38 PM »
They are just aweful and who is too blame for that.  Strollo?  He hired the coach.   Just shut down baseball and give the moeny to basketball. 

I hear Perry is very homesick and this is coming from students who know him that I have been in contact with.  His brother I guess is in Columbus and that has kept him here.  I hope he doesn't leave but I am just letting you know what students in his classes tell me.  This is not being delusional but what I hear. Lets hope he stays.  Those students are ones that work for me after school.  I always ask them questions about players and such.   They fill me in.

Nice win tonight and I congratulate Slocum for now.  The crowd was pathetic though.

Maybe recruits don't want to come here because Slocum has zero personality and it aweful with the media.
He would rather make fun of Robb Smidt than answer questions and you know I am right on that.  Ask the local media.   I know of a few students at YSU who have players in their class and Slocum is not liked.  Wouldn't be surprised if Kendrick Perry transfers.

Last time I looked RMU is only 50 miles from y-town so I would guess we have the same recruiting area as they do.   We only have money to recruit Ohio but we recruit guys from Florida and Juco's all over.  You make a whole lot of sense then right?   I guess you can come up with all the excuses to not get rid of Slocum but his record here speaks for itself.  I wonder how many players will leave this year again so we can then sign YMCA talent at the last minute but we can blame that on budget and not the fact that his player turnover is his fault.  He recruits the best player for sure.

Big D-It is not easy to sell Robert Morris to recruits.  They don't fill the gym like you say.  Avg attendance is 1,400 with a 3,000 plus capacity.  Filled?   They only have recent history of winning because of coaches like Mike Rice and such.  I know Rice from his HS days at Boardman and have even spoke to him just when he was at RMU and he did say recruiting was very difficult at that school.   RMU has good coaches that can recruit and that is the difference.    If you say 100k is 3x our recruiting budget then we got some issues with the AD.  That is unacceptable.  Get rid of dead weight in our athletic dept to free up some cash and plus play at least 2 more money b-ball games and then the cash magically appears.   But that will never happen right?   I know Slocum will be given another year unfortunately so I guess we have to put up with this losing until he resigns.   

Indy- When you are spending over a Million $'s on basketball then what is $100,000 grand going to do to you.  Nothing.  I don't think the extra $100k plus gets them the better players than we got.  Robert Morris plays in what some would say a h.s sized arena in a piss poor conference yet they beat us each year and win 20 plus games.  The coaching staffsf are like politicians and have to convince players to come here so then Slocum must not be a good seller of our program.   

ItalianPenguin-Our fan base is a joke because we don't win and not because of posts on a website.  Some like myself want to have a winner that's why some of us are passionate about winning and hoping for change.

You guys must like losing but some of us don't. 
I wouldn't be attending games for 30 years if I wanted YSU to lose.  You have your opinions and I have mine that is what this board is for right? 

Maybe if Slocum is not fired he still resigns and goes back to Gannon Tech where 6-5" players may help you out.   

If you had an employee who was not getting results at your job would they keep him/her?  Probably not.
So then why is it different at YSU?  Slocum has not gotten the results nor the fans in our valley excited about basketball.  A coaches responsibility is to win games and recruit kids that can give the team a chance of winning and he has done none of this period.   

For those who think his game prep is good then why did we get blown out at home in front of the home fans against CSU and Butler?   I am tired of hearing we are dealt a low budget and such.  Give me a break on that excuse by all of you.  That is getting old.  Do you think Robert Morris has a better budget than us? No but they just won 20 games and have post playesr that can play. 

We need a new direction for the program now.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: The future of YSU basketball
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:17:44 AM »
We do return our top 3 players next year and the two recruits we got for next year seem good for a change.  Those recruits though are more swing players than post players and until we get a few post players that can actuall play at out level we will be a 12 win team.  The Horizon League will be much improved for next year so we probably need two juco big men.   Choinacki needs to go he is not D1 talent then it is either a toss up with the rest of the bench as to who's scholly should not be renewed.  As of now Slocum would get a one year contract extension unless we crumble the rest of the season.   

I could just imagine if we had a bench and at least 1 post player what our record would be.

Go recruit big men Slocum!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Expectations for next year?
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:09:02 AM »
Kravitz was a terrible DC that is why he has bounced around so many jobs prior to YSU.  Saying he didin't have talent is an excuse.  When our DB's just look at the ball being thrown and  playing 10 yards off the receiver that is coaching and scheme.  He sucked and hopefully we get someone who can get the defensive schemes put togther in spring ball.   We have reruited talent in the secondary with this recruiting class so talent is in the house.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Cleveland State game
« on: January 29, 2012, 07:52:57 AM »
It was sad to see us flop in front a great crowd.  We needed to win to prove to the fans it is worth coming to Beeghly.  CSU was the much better team and better coached last night.  Let's hope the fans are not turned off by this performance.  Our bench is pathetic!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Recruiting News..?
« on: January 26, 2012, 01:45:10 PM »
Does anyone know if we will get any D1 transfers beside Peterman for this coming year?   Someone must have the inside info on this.

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