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Messages - GOpenZ

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Noiseless Crowd
« on: October 12, 2015, 03:19:24 PM »
Happy with the crowd size, but not the crowd noise. No noise on 3rd downs, didn't get into it until the end of the game. But hey, like valley said, beggars can't be choosers.

Agreed.  I would tend to think the majority of the core fan base is older, but when we have as big of crowd as Saturday, I would expect it to be louder than it was.  I was glad to see a great turnout, but confused by how many left at half, 3Q and 4Q.  I hope that the excitement of the Illinois State game, along with the quality of both teams this weekend, leads to a great crowd and a better outcome.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Press Conference Quotes:
« on: December 19, 2014, 11:52:39 AM »
One guy is not going to change the program around.  It takes an entire team of assistants and players.  The good thing is that Bo knows what he wants and needs to get us to where he and we want to go.  After thinking about this for a few days I think that I am beginning to understand that Bo's passion for winning is so high that he doesn't care as much where he is coaching as much as he wants the organizational support there to ensure he has a chance to win.  Based on Bo's perception, it doesn't sound like he had the support at NU (Bo is so "to the point" that I totally believe him too).   Some of these guy have really ultra competitive streaks and I think he is one of them.  He will set the tone, but the coordinators will be a challenge for the pay range and Bo may need to be more hands on here.

I also watched his opening remarks when he was hired at Nebraska.  He made similar comments then as he did this week at YSU.  He spoke of the administration (mainly Tom Osborne) as being supportive, knowing football and having him as a sounding board and mentor. He made those same comments in regards to having Jim Tressel here at YSU. 

As soon as Osborne left it the atmosphere at Nebraska must have changed dramatically, just as any business that changed owners or management would change. 


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Official: Head Coach Search Thread
« on: December 11, 2014, 02:29:20 PM »
Hood is quality and so is Wright. Both have a record to prove it. Just for fun, you armchair coaches have to lay it on the line now --- what are YOUR outline for a successful coach to hire here ? Not your opinion, but games won, league titles, playoffs made, etc ?   Let see how delusional you really are.

And how stupid !  8)

I don't think anyone has exact figures...and if they do they are digging way to deep.  I certainly do not hope that there is any drop off in coaching or player personnel this year.  One way would have been to not have been so trigger happy on Wolf as it appears even those who were not his biggest fans may be hard pressed to find someone better at similar cost.  I look forward to supporting the 2015 TEAM (players and staff) no matter who shows up as coach a high profile Pelini or a lowly Paladin.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Official: Head Coach Search Thread
« on: December 11, 2014, 10:54:00 AM »
Saw the USF coach on campus just before the rumor of Pelini started.....

He could be helping Wolf clean out his office.

« on: December 11, 2014, 10:52:37 AM »
Legally Bo could sign for $1 a year and/or back-load the contract.  However, the job has previously paid and was offered at $250k and he must use his diligence to find a job to off-set his buy-out by Nebraska.  Thus, from a legal prospective, if Bo were to sign for $1...Nebraska would sue for the difference between the actual payment that the job was offered at ($250k a year) plus potentially more as his capabilities could get him a job that pays more.  There is no easy way for the university to increase the payment to assistant coaches...unless the penguin club or other donors plan to pony up. 


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Official: Head Coach Search Thread
« on: December 09, 2014, 10:27:11 AM »
I believe the proper account would be titled..."YO Pelini"


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Official: Head Coach Search Thread
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:51:29 AM »
It's funny to think if one or more players make just one play in multiple game's this year and pick up that one win we are in the playoffs and not even having this discussion. I've looked at the list and I'm not impressed. I was split on wolford 50/50..I feel for 250 k  he was a quality coach and great recruiter on this level. Good luck to any coach entering this program and getting that elusive 8th or 9th win to take Y.S.U. to the promise land for 250 k a year...

I agree with this part of your analysis.

"It is funny to me that:
 - Coach Wolf gets on the hot seat after continued progress season after season...pressure from fans and administration.
 - He continually improves the team (yes, I understand the lack of playoffs...but my eyes see improvement we were losing games on the last play in year 3.  Did he win to quickly and thus 7-5 in year 5 was a bad thing?
 - Less fans in the stands (they don't like the coach and its been cold outside of September)
 - No playoffs and the staff gets the ax."

Z, what I don't find funny or progress is the fact that his teams went on losing streaks in each of the last 3 seasons that cost him the playoffs.  If that's progress, YSU should do away with its football program.

What I don't find funny or progress is the fact that his failure to develop players is the most glaring weakness of his legacy.  Yes, they weren't losing on the last play.  They just failed to step up when the program NEEDED a single win.  Multiple times, in multiple years and in multiple games. 

What I don't find funny or progress is the fact that less people in the stands had more to do with his lack of winning a big game than who HE is.  Inevitably each year fans knew there would be month where YSU would go 0-fer.  Regardless of how people feel about Eric Wolford's personality, if he won that 1 or 2 games that he needed to each year, this wouldn't be a discussion.  He would still be the head coach.

For the one-millionth time, YSU under Eric Wolford did not progress, nor did it improve as a whole.  When you make the same mistakes every year, lose 3 straight games every year, fail to adjust during games, etc., you get removed.  That is the nature of the beast.

I understand that we were very streaky.  This year we ended the season with the top three teams in the Massey index.  It was a very tough road.  Questions arise..and yes we should have won even one of those games to prove that we were a quality team.  Do you expect that change to occur overnight?  In one off-season? Two?  I take the later opinion of gradual change in that area.  When a coach notices the streaky tendency...yes he needs to adjust his style of play and mentoring...but also his recruiting tactics on the type of player that he wants.  I think this years freshman and sophomore crop could change our (I hate to keep using the word but) "streaky" tendencies.

Separately without regard to his time he and progressing or regressing the is awkward to me that Wolf fits the exact bill of what we (this forum) are looking for as a coach not.  Truely, should that theory not have allowed him some additional time?  If you did not like his personality...and the loss at Missouri State to end year 3 and miss they playoffs then get rid of him then.  If you were happy with the progress at that point, and based upon the last two years...I see reason to keep him for at least two more.  Again...this point of view is from what i have read here and it seems to me that Wolf's resume fits the mold of what most are looking for.

I wish our two man search committee the best of luck in finding a great replacement. 


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Official: Head Coach Search Thread
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:45:35 AM »
It is funny to me that:
 - Coach Wolf gets on the hot seat after continued progress season after season...pressure from fans and administration.
 - He continually improves the team (yes, I understand the lack of playoffs...but my eyes see improvement we were losing games on the last play in year 3.  Did he win to quickly and thus 7-5 in year 5 was a bad thing?
 - Less fans in the stands (they don't like the coach and its been cold outside of September)
 - No playoffs and the staff gets the ax.

Now we sit here and ponder a new head coach (and while I have not read one post in the qualifications for a new head coach yet...because I didn't want to jinx our season) it appears now that:
 - Our list does not have a qualified candidate to match. Overqualified, yes.  Lower level experience, check.  Now, we aren't the search committee, so I hope they (Strollo and Tressel) are finding something that is aligning better than this forum.
 - The qualifications that seem to be main stream directly align with the guy that was just fired...(young, energetic, FBS level experience).

We are losing valuable time recruiting...I can't recall how long the gap was between John H and Wolf.  I know we want a great product but...
 - Are coaches being fired to quickly? 
 - Is the definition of under-performance to strict (would 5 wins in coach Wolf's year 3, 6 wins year 4, and 7 wins year 5 have led to a different outcome???)? 
 - Should YSU have had a better plan of action (i.e. having a few names salivating for the job that were steps up from the current staff)?  So far the answer to all these seems to be a resounding "NO".

However, do I trust the JT will help find us a great coach...yes!  Will the next coach be the diamond in the rough that he was?  We can only hope.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Thoughts and Feelings. Tressels morning tweet.
« on: November 17, 2014, 04:00:04 PM »
There are some quality guys here year in and year out.  I love getting to meet their families and see the quality young men that have been brought up and become Youngstown Men.  As's one of the reasons why we come to these games, to support great kids and great families and be a part of the Penguin family together.  Thank you Sean (and Christian, Joey C. and Nate A. ...and so many others that i have met) of being apart of this family for the last several years.  Sean...I hope that your presence on this forum and at a game or two each season can continue.

Separately, it is a team game, coaches, players, and fans alike consist of this team.  I believe Coach Jim Tressel has made this comment back when he was coaching, and I will try to paraphase the best i can:
You can't lay blame on a kid for messing up on one play.  One missed INT.  One missed reception.  One fumble.  It shouldn't come down to one play.  The game (and season) shouldn't come down to one play.  We should have win the game(s) by three touchdowns and not had to worry about "one play".


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: MVFC Playoff Outlook
« on: November 12, 2014, 01:32:29 PM »
Let's just win on saturday and take it from there.. None of us know whats going to happen, with the way the MVFC is im sure someone will lose that wasnt supposed to.
--Thanks Sean.  I like the way you think.  All too often come season end...the fans in the stands have been more worried about the other games in the MVFC than our own.  It does not matter what the other teams do...what matters is what the Guinz do. 


1. I agree our conference is tough.  With that said I continue to believe that this conference can ultimately be the best fit for us if we can add some teams and not be required to pay for travel to the Dakota's so frequently.  The conference will stay tough!  Take note that the SEC did not lose strength by adding T A&M and Missouri.

2. Agreed, we have not been a playoff caliber team, come season end lately.  7-4 is not a playoff lock.  8-3 in our conference should be.  So and make the playoffs.  We do not deserve to beat our chests and get trophies at 7-4 or less.

3. We have increased our win total annually under Wolf.  While he is not the likable candidate at the helm, he is our coach and deserves supported.  His first words as coach that I heard heard were in front of a small charitable group and that we as individuals in the Valley (fan or not) have to talk positive, about the program and the Mahoning Valley...otherwise, if we can't have a positive view of these why should a recruit (local or national).  That said, it is not guaranteed, but we can still end up with nine wins this season (again an increase over the previous year).  I look forward to seeing that happen! (then I have no doubt the conversation herein would change dramatically.)


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: The NCAA Simple Ratings System
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:48:20 PM »
It's tough being on the bubble so instead follow my "simple" rating system your games, win your conference and don't worry about a ratings system.

Sounds like a good system to me.

Easier said than done.

Yes it is easier said than done...but it can be done.  I like that option much better than the current FBS setup where you win your conference (and if it's not the SEC) you make it to the Papa John's / bowl.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: The NCAA Simple Ratings System
« on: November 06, 2014, 12:45:53 PM »
"Simple" is just obviously does not account for enough factors.  If the algorithm you are using is correct...and the SRS is in fact used to pull in teams for atlarge berths, then I would say that our scheduling (weaker teams known as 1-AAA) has been handled appropriately to get us ranked as high as possible in the SRS.

This does not mean I agree with the SRS in any way...but it should be considered when bashing those who form our schedule.

Having additional ways to rate teams is fine with me.  However, those who are in the playoff committee should be allowed to have any and all information that they want when working together to fill each spot.  Massey, coaches poll, TSN, listing of all teams records, conference total records, etc.

It's tough being on the bubble so instead follow my "simple" rating system your games, win your conference and don't worry about a ratings system.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: How good is the MVFC
« on: November 06, 2014, 12:22:28 PM »
I have known that Patty V is the commish of the Pioneer League as well.  This may be some of the influence that leads us to have scheduling with Valpo, Butler, etc.  While I can see the conflict of interest come time for playoffs...generally there is likely not much chance of putting a 2nd PFL team into the final 24.  As such, I have not researched and compared to other leagues...but it could be that there is some cost savings by both conferences splitting her salary.

Separately I continue to stand by my point that our best option as a conference is to expand the best conference in FCS by adding two or more teams and making two divisions.  Although either would work, I feel that in the Guins best interest those teams should be located nearer to Utica shale then to the Bakken.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Hunter Wells today!!!
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:23:54 PM »
The great Dr. Lou Holtz has said:
"It's never as good as it seems...and it's never as bad as it seems either."

As such, I have been quite impressed with the positive attributes being discussed about Hunter Wells.  He has made some great throws...and some not so great.  We were lucky that a few passes were not picked off at SDSU which could have led to a loss.  They did not and we will take the W!  I have really liked how you can see him going through each receiver progressively and knowing when to dump it off amid pressure.  However, there will be times when staring them down could lead to the INTs and almost has.  I can say that I am impressed to date with his ability.  However, if the INTs came I don't see if fans would notice the positives that they do now...nor would I have used the word "impressed".

I believe that he has a better fit to the offense at this time then Dante as he can continue on with similar play calling that was here for the last four years with Hess.  I think Dante is a good ball player, but for the team as a may have been for the best that the reigns are in the hands of a player with similar attributes as our prior QB.  Moving to an entire different offense from the last four years could be catastrophic short to mid-term.  Easy example...see what Rich Rod did to Michigan.

Hunter...keep in the study lounge, the film room and the weight room and you will see success here as a Guin.


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