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Messages - jbags

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Mens Basketball
« on: May 08, 2014, 12:40:28 PM »
Im not in favor of playing freshmen appreciable minutes against big time programs, ie Pitt, St. Johns etc because their confidence might be shattered. But vs some of the cupcakes we schedule? To allow them to do well just because they are better athletically? To build confidence? Slocum never does it. Our freshmen are ill-equipped to help us. Poor Ronnie Beamon red-shirted and then never played. Even against cupcakes. Really? No wonder he left. This needs to be corrected and I assume it will because we are going to have to play freshmen because everyone else is leaving!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Mens Basketball
« on: May 07, 2014, 12:34:49 PM »
I am not going to bash our coach, I will keep those thoughts to myself but I never could understand this....he never seems to get his freshmen enough playing time early in the season against the cupcakes we schedule. We win those games anyway and who really cares by how much. Those games are for experimenting on rotations and figuring out if our freshman can play with the lights on or not. Our freshmen sit until the last 3 minutes when its just garbage time. We can never count on them come conference play, hence when Cam had some games where he totally disappeared we couldn't play Steward because he wasnt ready. Weber went through the same thing as a freshman until he realized that he can play with the lights on. I understand that some kids leave because they are homesick but more leave us because they never get any run as freshmen. I'm just saying.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Mens Basketball
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:33:10 PM »
The point i was making to start this post was that we have 2 more scholarships available if I am not mistaken. I hear nothing about us filling those. Are we? We had Perry, Belin, Chonacki, and Podolsky graduator run out of eligibility and Weber and Beamon leave. Thats 6 scholarships and we signed only 4. I keep thinking we need 2 more bodies, a 3 man and a true banger. Whats up?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Mens Basketball
« on: May 02, 2014, 12:38:38 PM »
Any word on mens recruits? Are we signing anybody? We need a big kid!

This was the kid I asked about in a recent post. it sure seemed like he was enjoying himself. And he was a legit 6'9". Keep your fingers crossed

YSU Penguin Athletics / BB recruiting
« on: September 28, 2013, 05:17:09 PM »
There was a tall recruit at last weeks game that the staff was hovering around. Anybody know who it was?

Perhaps I need to clarify my last post. I"ve always gotten the idea that many folks on this site seem to think that YSU recruits only choose us because we were the only D1 school to offer. Better than nuthin' syndrome. That is far from the truth. Belin and Beamon both had official signing parties at their school and are proud to become Penguins. Its just time that we, and our local newspaper, make a bigger deal about signing these guys. Don't think for a second that Weber, Hains, Belin,and Beamon haven't gone to the Vindicator website to check out what was written about their signing. And what do they find? A piddly little one paragraph write-up. They deserve better.

The Vindy needs to reprint this article to show the community that players that commit here are as excited and proud as could be. Our local paper needs to do a better job of introducing our new recruits to the community. The Youngstown area needs to connect with these kids. Large crowds should follow if interest increases in things beyond the won/loss record.

If its true that this kid signs then its a great get for us. This kid and Webber open up Indiana as a recruiting territory. I figure that between Florida, Detroit and Indiana we are set for a while when it comes to snagging some players. Perhaps we have finally turned a corner

The fact that he was a H.S. coach in Detroit opens up a great recruiting hotbed for us. Great news! Recruiting is nothing but contacts

Heard that Octeus has commited to Colo St. Any word on Beamon or someone else?

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