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Messages - KentStGuin15

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Game Thread Week 1: YSU @ Pitt
« on: September 01, 2012, 05:03:19 PM »
I heard its supposed to be clear rest of the night according to weather channel in Pittsburgh. Says it should clear out by 6

thats highly doubtful, theres another bigger storm cell that stretches verticaly from columbus to chicago, and is as wide as new Phlly to Indianpolis, its probably going to to hit around 6:30-7 at the latest

Well than the weather channel is very wrong haha

they must be expecting it to move north and just miss (which is possible)
but if they moved the fans out of the stadium thats a very bad sign to begin with

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Kent Player returns fumble the wrong way!!
« on: September 01, 2012, 05:00:01 PM »
Should have tried to tackle him right at the goal line to set up an easy 7 (at least 3) instead of 2.

Uh what?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Game Thread Week 1: YSU @ Pitt
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:57:39 PM »
I heard its supposed to be clear rest of the night according to weather channel in Pittsburgh. Says it should clear out by 6

thats highly doubtful, theres another bigger storm cell that stretches verticaly from columbus to chicago, and is as wide as new Phlly to Indianpolis, its probably going to to hit around 6:30-7 at the latest

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Game Thread Week 1: YSU @ Pitt
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:42:51 PM »
Heinz Field has been cleared of all fans due to severe weather, could be a long delay

if thats the case game wont be played tonight
weather isnt expected to get much better

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Game Thread Week 1: YSU @ Pitt
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:11:37 PM »
Rushel Shell, Tyrone Ezell, Anthony Gonzalez, Shayne Hale, Ronald Jones, and Chris Davis
all suspended for Pitt tonight, all in the 2 deep as well i believe

Chris Davis is a Freshman from Local Austintown Fitch

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Game Thread Week 1: YSU @ Pitt
« on: September 01, 2012, 03:42:14 PM »
hearing thunder already in canfield
the games probably going to be played in Isaac
not good news for us because we cant stop the run last year and we need Hess to open up our run game

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Game Thread Week 1: YSU @ Pitt
« on: September 01, 2012, 02:59:37 PM »
Sounds like sPitt has 2 RBs out for the game, i think the top 2 RB or 2 out of the top 3
could be a starting LB suspended as well

YSU Penguin Athletics / Game Thread Week 1: YSU @ Pitt
« on: September 01, 2012, 02:54:19 PM »
Cant wait. 3 more hours till maybe the most explosive offense in YSU history takes the field
going to be such an exciting year if we stay healthy

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: TELEVISING YSU vs PITT GAME
« on: September 01, 2012, 02:31:37 PM »
will this be on the radio? 570?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: The MVFC!
« on: August 31, 2012, 07:05:49 PM »
Wow we really can't claim a strong conference after those 2. Those 2 were and are bottom feeders though so hopefully the top of the conference is good.

You've got UNI penciled in for a win at Wisconsin don't you?  :o

might be bottom feeders but Missouri St has beaten us 2 years in a row in games we should have won

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: OT: NCAA 360
« on: August 31, 2012, 04:10:03 PM »

Luis Quinones 81 OVR
Terrell Williams 72 OVR
Josh Fenderson 82 OVR
Trever Strickland 76 OVR

Anthony Smyzmack 72 OVR
Aronde Stanton 83 OVR
Nick DeKraker 83 OVR
Austin Trgovich 75 OVR

Dubem Nwadigbu 83 OVR
Terry Johnson 73 OVR
Dom Rich 83 OVR
Keven Coffey 74 OVR
Teven Williams 83 OVR
Justin Yuron 72 OVR

Jamarious Boatwright 74 OVR (Freshman)
Julius Childs 77 OVR
Parnell Taylor 76 OVR
Dale Peterman 79 OVR
Ricardo Dixon 69 OVR (Freshman)

Donald Dalesio 82 OVR
Khilque Harris 75 OVR

Jeremy Edwards 84 OVR
Jameel Smith 75 OVR

David Brown 75 OVR

Nick Liste 80 OVR

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: OT: NCAA 360
« on: August 31, 2012, 02:48:45 PM »
Offense is finished, only made 2 Deeps (which should be enough i doubt many here are going to use alot of 3rd stringers) and like i said a freshman at every position

Kurt Hess 84 OVR
Nick Wargo 68 OVR

Jamaine Cook 84 OVR
Adaris Bellamy 79 OVR
Demond Hymes 77 OVR

Torian Pace 85 OVR

Christian Bryant 84 OVR
Jelani Berassa 81 OVR
Andre Stubbs 79 OVR
Kinrtrell Disher 78 OVR
Michael Weary 74 OVR
Jordan Martoka 68 OVR

Will Shaw 87 OVR
Nate Adams 77 OVR
Jordan Feeser 76 OVR

Andrew Radakovich 86 OVR
Dylan Colluci 64 OVR

Lamar Mady 85 OVR
Mason Giacomelli 68 OVR

Mark Pratt 88 OVR
Stephen Page (as a Fresh) 73 OVR

Chris Elkins 83 OVR
Brock Eisenhuth 71 OVR

DJ Main 86 OVR
Christian Wilson 70 OVR

keep in mind some ratings might seem high but in video games players are often overrated, you see guys rated in the low-mid 80s going undrafted in the NFL every year.

working on the D next

YSU Penguin Athletics / OT: NCAA 360
« on: August 29, 2012, 05:36:16 PM »
just made a YSU team, have done everything but the Roster, will do later
check it out if you want, comments are welcome as are downloads when im done with the roster
i also want to put at least 1 freshman at every spot so there might be some local kids who are already heading to YSU on the team but still in HS but you obviously dont have to use them

under spartankoa for the 360

PS took me forever to figure out how to make a white Y for the helmets

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU at Pitt - Link to stories, reports. etc
« on: August 29, 2012, 04:44:32 PM »
Pitt Vs. Youngstown State: Q&A With YSU Beat Writer Joe Scalzo

Our game week coverage continues with a Q&A with Youngstown State beat writer Joe Scalzo, who covers the team for the area newspaper, the Vindicator. We've linked to some of his articles at here and be sure to check out his writing for plenty of good stuff on Pitt's first opponent.

For us, he discussed two of the team's stars, Jamaine Cook and Kurt Hess, the coaching staff, what he looks for in Saturday's game, and more.

Onto the Q&A (my questions in bold, his answers in italics).

Jamaine Cook is the guy to watch in the backfield with approximately 1,400 yards last season. Just how much will the offense rely on him in 2012?

    They keep saying they're going to limit his carries this year so he'll be fresher, but we'll see. I don't think he'll need to play as big of a role as he did the past two years. Besides, nobody is worried about Youngstown State's offense being a problem (although losing starting WR Jelani Berassa to an ACL injury was a big hit). It's the other two units that have been a problem.

Junior quarterback Kurt Hess is already scattered all over the school's all-time record lists. He's got a long way to go, but do you think he can be considered an NFL prospect by the end of his career?

    I think Kurt has a NFL head, a NFL body and a NFL work ethic. I'm not convinced he has a NFL arm but he's got a lot of other strengths to make up for not having a cannon.

    I think he's a guy who could make a NFL roster as a No. 3 guy. He's really good at sizing up a defense pre-snap and making the right read and he's very accurate. And his character is off the charts.

The Penguins' defense struggled a bit in 2011. Is the unit expected to be improved this season?

    Definitely. They've gotten a lot more athletic and there has been a night-and-day difference in some of this summer's scrimmages. The secondary is still a concern and there's still a lot of inexperience but I think it's got a chance to be pretty good by the end of the season. I'm sure there will be some growing pains early on.

One thing that is impressive about Youngstown State was that they won several blowout games and their losses were fairly close last year. Will that translate to a better win-loss record this season in your opinion?

    I think so. You can definitely see a progression. In Eric Wolford's first year, 2010, he didn't have anywhere near as much talent as this team and Youngstown State was in every FCS game (and hung with Penn State for a half). They just wore out at the end of games.

    Last year, they closed the gap on some of the best teams in the conference -- YSU was the only team to beat the national champs -- and I wouldn't be surprised to see them win the conference title. At the very least, I'd be stunned if they didn't make the FCS playoffs.

The coaching staff, led by head coach Eric Wolford is fairly new, having been in place for only three seasons. What's your general opinion of the job he's done so far and what types of teams does he put on the field?

    Well, for one thing, he's a lot of fun to cover. Maybe not Steve Spurrier or Bobby Bowden fun, but the next level down.

    From the beginning, I've felt like they found the right guy. He's a very good recruiter, he's good at communicating his expectations and he's gotten rid of the complacency that set in after Jim Tressel left. And he hasn't been afraid to get rid of underachievers or guys that didn't buy in, whether they were players (only 11 guys remain from the previous coaching staff's roster) or his coaches (he replaced his receivers coach and strength coach after one year and his defensive coordinator in February).

    In general, his teams have played hard and have been really good offensively. He's just been young and thin on defense and special teams and it's cost him a lot of wins.

Looking over the school's history, they've played against several programs that have made the jump to the FBS, such as Marshall and Boise State. Do you think the day will come that Youngstown State makes that move?

    Youngstown State was really, really close to joining the Mid-American Conference in the late 1990s and a lot of fans would still like to see that happen because it makes a lot more sense geographically. (The Penguins have never really developed a true rival at the FCS level.) That said, there are no plans to jump to the FBS, nor should there be. They're at the right level.

    I think if you look at the teams that have successfully jumped to the FBS -- and Boise State is the most obvious example -- they come from areas where there's not as much competition for players, media attention, fans, etc. But let's say YSU were to join the MAC. Suddenly, they're competing against Akron and Kent State (both within 45 minutes) for players, not to mention all the other MAC schools in Ohio (Bowling Green, Toledo, Ohio, Miami) and all the nearby BCS schools (Ohio State, Pitt, Penn State, etc.).

    Bottom line: YSU doesn't have the facilities, budget, recruiting base, etc., to make that jump and the people in charge know it. Teams like Marshall and Western Kentucky have gone from competing for national championships to hoping they'll eventually play in some December 26 bowl. YSU doesn't want to end up like that.

Youngstown State hasn't been all that competitive in their two recent games against Pitt. But the Panthers are a bit of an unknown this year and coming off a pretty down season last year. I doubt the Penguins will be intimidated at Heinz Field having played at more intense atmospheres, but because of their offensive firepower, do you expect the game to be a bit closer than some might think?

    Tell me about it. I sat through the 2005 Pitt-YSU game and the only good thing I remember was the pregame fajitas they served the media. It was 42-0 and it felt like 420-0. So, yeah, it should be better than some of the previous games between the two.
    There's a quiet confidence here that Youngstown State is capable of pulling an upset. I think that's a stretch, but I bet the Penguins could win one out of 10, whereas in 2005, YSU wouldn't have won 1 out of 1,000 against Pitt. Wolford's teams have played pretty well against BCS schools so far -- last year against Michigan State, for instance, it was a 21-6 game until midway through the fourth quarter -- so I think it will be closer than people think, especially since Pitt is still dealing with the aftermath of all the coaching turnover.

Thanks again to Joe for his input. Be sure to check out his work on

Doesnt have an NFL Arm LOL!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU at Pitt - Link to stories, reports. etc
« on: August 26, 2012, 09:01:08 PM »
Lots of sPitt fans assuming they are going to win in a blowout
they are in for a rude awakening

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