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Messages - Pizza

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Spring Camp Update
« on: April 04, 2012, 10:18:28 PM »
Guys like Cook, Hess, Rich, Radoc....the older guys have earned the expect all these JUCO guys to show up this year.

JUCO guys often think they are "the sh**".....when they aren't !!! Get with the program. Earn your keep!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Saturday Scrimmage
« on: April 03, 2012, 10:00:00 PM »
This team at 100% will be fun to watch.

Go Guins !!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Saturday Scrimmage
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:26:04 PM »
Hess' interceptions are not a concern since they did not happen.  He was 10 out of 15 with a td and no interceptions.  Angle was picked off twice, Nania once.  This comes from the official stats on the university website.

Last spring, it was hard to evaluate the defense since the offense had holes in the line and at wide receiver and their potency was unknown.  This spring, with virtually all the players back from the best offense in FCS (based on their performance against the NDSU defense that completely shut down supposedly unstoppable offenses from Sam Houston and Georgia Southern) we will be able to detect progress from the defense if they can just limit offensive productivity.  Actually, even if the defense can not stop this offense, they might still be improved enough.  Our offense is just that good.

Agreed. The offense has been dynamic. Kravitz was a fall guy. The quins needed a "fall guy". He had little talent to work with. He was the odd man out. He'll catch on somewhere, where he has players at "D", and the 'O" stinks, and he'll look great (comparatively). And understand, I am not defending the guy, never met him. But you have to improve teams bit by bit, which is what we are doing.

We have good coaches at all positions. Wolf has done a nice job recruiting. He has his players now. And his efforts will show this year. I'm behind this group. They are attempting to play in the 'Big Leagues"......which is where we belong.

I am concerned though about all the injuries though. Who is responsible for that?

Or is it just bad luck???

2 years running???

Any answers to that question???

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Darius Patton
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:23:48 PM »
The problem with Youngstown sports culture is that tribal attitudes formed in the high schools last for a lifetime.  Enough already.  Is it too much to ask that you refrain from such tribal in-fighting on a college board?

Pizza, stop with this Mooney glorification and stop bashing other high schools.  And as a Mooney graduate, I have a perfect right to tell you that.  You belittle our alma mater with such childish behavior.  Successful people and successful institutions have no need whatsoever to brag about themselves.

I "read" with great interest your post. I, as a YSU fan ....will always follow the help YSU.

My question, then... can only me a better High School ....both academically, and athletically......than Mooney or Ursuline?

 And the decision between Mooney and Ursuline at this point in time in Y-Towns history obvious.

Ignoring the "obvious" doesn't make "IT" go away.

The "truth" is the "Mother of Hatred".....

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Spring Football
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:11:11 PM »
Has there ever been a Minnesotan on your roster?   just curious.

We always welcome great players from "WISKY".

General BS / Re: OT: Taco Bell outside YSU football stadium
« on: March 22, 2012, 10:31:19 PM »
Agreed. Misfortunes.....not part of this forum.

Prayers out to all involved, but 1 million people have "died" this year and they all ate "carrots" at one time or another. Should we blame carrot farmers for their deaths....????

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Spring Football
« on: March 21, 2012, 11:23:56 PM »
Make or break year.....for this stellar group of coaches.

I think THIS will be the "Year". The talent level has no doubt improved. That should leads.....TO WINS !!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Darius Patton
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:01:02 PM »
OK.....A point well taken.... :)

I'd applaud you....but my "hands"...and those of of my children.....would challenge you more on this keyboard forum........if they weren't weighed down with 8 State Title Rings......

But we both must lift our many "State Title Rings".... to type....those thoughts.

We will " father and son..... "proudly".....for the rest, of our lives.......enjoy the "sacrifices" we made for one another. He gave up the partying for 3-4 years.....and I didn't buy a "new" car for 3 years...

An investment by us both BOTH.......well worth it.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Darius Patton
« on: March 18, 2012, 10:09:11 PM »
In All It's Glory..... >:( >:( :o :-\

Great Y-Town Athletes (football).....should go to Mooney. To play against the best, every week. For 4 years.

How many "great " ITCL"/ALL-American Red/White/Blue?......washouts......have there been at the D1-AA/1A Level?

Fitz from Liberty is the last chance. And if hewould have went to Mooney....he would have had 3 State Title rings!

And he, like the "other washouts" would have been better prepared to play against big time competition.

Just obvious observations....not Hatin' here.....

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Jake Jakubec basketball recruit
« on: March 17, 2012, 07:24:38 PM »
Saw him play last night.  He is not division I material nor a possible walk on at YSU. My opinion.

A great HS player. Playing at the D1 level does not define one talents. There is always D2/D3....there are many great programs in Ohio that offer that. With great educational opportunities. That's where this kid will reap rewards. Most D1 players will never graduate, never make the pros'. They will ignore their educational opportunity, and "many" will be working at McDonalds when their career ends.

Jakubec will be a success, in any profession he chooses.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Banks Named Regional Player-of-the-Week
« on: March 17, 2012, 07:17:26 PM »
This guy has "MLB draft" written all over him. When they see he 'hammered' a Big-10 teams top pitcher ...the attention came. This is a great honor.

LOL the B1G sucks in baseball

Banks will have a great opportunity at the MLB level. He is a hard working kid. A "yes sir" ...."No sir" kinda guy that coaches love. He will maximize his potential. Great job Mr. Banks. You are earning all the good things that are coming to you.

Wish you nothing but the best.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Jelani Berassa admitted to Hospital
« on: March 10, 2012, 09:08:38 PM »
I thought the teams had a nutritionist. It was(and still could be) one of the professor in our nutrition department. And I agree that educated the athletes on proper nutrition is a must. And if they have any questions all they have to do is ask. We do have a great strength and condition staff, athletic training staff, and a great group of team doctors that can always help the teams.

Trust me. They are well educated on the subject. The strength staff, the athletic training staff.....they have been told  daily.......

The problem is the funds. WE don't have a training Ohio State does. The Buckeyes can make a kid gain or lose 30 lbs in a year. Because of their training table. The FOOD is part of the scholarship. They can monitor everything.

At YSU, even the "full scholarship" guys, of which there are few, get a "stipend" for the month. Which they typiCally spend on Subway, Inner-Circle Pizza, McDonalds ($1 burgers are hard to argue with)......and or they blow it.

If we can solve that issue.....good golly, that would change a lot of things.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Jelani Berassa admitted to Hospital
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:20:54 AM »
Pizza-Very funny ;D. Actually I had too much protein in my system because my liver enzymes were elevated. With me they couldn't figure out how it happened. It was just one of those things.

No problems pennyquin. I hope you are well. But your post has brought up a great issue YSU still needs to overcome. And that is that "of a training table" our athletes can eat healthfully 12 months out of the year.

Our teams, all of them (mens and womens) could be exponentially better....with a proper diet.

This is not a condemnation to any in the program. They all do excellent work. But they/we all realize...that feeding our football players when they are training the scientifically.....just obvious.

The former staff was "Hangstrung" by that. Coach Wolf...can make proper nutrition....happen. I hope he does. And I trust we will all support him.

Support Coach Wolf. And the Program.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Jelani Berassa admitted to Hospital
« on: March 07, 2012, 08:50:14 PM »
One can have too much protein in their system. I ended up with that problem towards the end of my pregnancy. With me they delivered baby(5 wks early), and pretty much flushed my system out. I was in ICU for about 3 days. All is well now. Baby just turned a yr old on Feb 21(he will make his YSU debut next season), and I have no after effects.

Was Jelani "pregnant"??? ??? ;) :)

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Football Stuff!!!
« on: March 06, 2012, 11:29:36 PM »
Gary Thorton.....and Cameron Keyes..???

25 - Torrian Pace
Height:  5-10
Weight:  225
Year:  So.
Hometown:  Chantilly, Va.
High School:  Chantilly
Position:  TB

Great kid my personal favorite.

I have had the distinct pleasure of coaching Torrian Pace. And while YSU has 85 special athletes.....Torrian is in my Top 5.

I hope he gets every chance he has earned.

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