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Messages - Pizza

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I am very happy for these young ladies. A winning attitude has finally been displayed.

Congrats to all involved.

Congrats to the girls. Understood it's weak League. But it is a League.....and they won. They did what they should do.

Like to see some athletes at the NCAA...qualifiers.....(or maybe some folks are content to be "happy" with a League Title in a bad League).

Pizza. At least we are happy about something ;)

You should know that a team could finish last in a conference and still have qualifiers. Track is a team sport with individual events, which is why it is such a great sport. You qualify for regional by finishing in a certain time, throwing a certain distance, or finishing in a certain place. What place your team finished at has nothing to do with that. However, when it is conference time ...that is a different story. So be happy with what we have got. Lady Pen track and field rules!!!!!! Men were great as well.

PS: If you want to complain about something ...complain about a soccer field being built when we need facilities for a sport we can be competitive in. Also we have 4 ...possibly 5 qualifiers. I think Pompeo qualified ..that will make 5.

Agreed. Like I said, they won League. And like you said, track is not subjective. You have the distances, heights, times.....or you don't. The number of kids who make to regionals/nationals is the true test. The true measure. Everyone knows that.

Congrats to the girls. Understood it's weak League. But it is a League.....and they won. They did what they should do.

Like to see some athletes at the NCAA...qualifiers.....(or maybe some folks are content to be "happy" with a League Title in a bad League).

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Jelani Berassa admitted to Hospital
« on: May 01, 2012, 10:54:53 PM »
No one the facts????? As was so well documented.....above??

This is why we are having trouble.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU to build Soccer Stadium this summer
« on: April 29, 2012, 08:51:46 PM »

Hiring a string of bad coaches.  Starting football games at unpopular times.  Failing to inform alumni about upcoming facilities upgrades.  It is all connected.  Just condition yourself to expect nothing from this administration; then you will never be disappointed.

I am disappointed by Title IX. That Liberal, Democratic law......which has allowed a lot of young female athletes to be average.

I am sure, that wasn't the intent of the liberal/womens'

They wanted equal opportunity for great female athletes.

TRUST ME......They Aren't getting THAT.....!!!!!

PM me if you'd like the details and facts......of this reality.....your TAX dollars at work...

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Kurt Hess and the Draft
« on: April 29, 2012, 08:37:07 PM »
Having had the pleasure of coaching many of these juniors and seniors in the weight room.....when they were "raw"...fresh-eyed "frosh".....

I have nothing but good things to say about guys like Hess, Cook, Herdman, Dom Rich (Canfield), al..

Have a great senior season....GET A RING!!!

My BAD........EARN......a RING..!!!!

No one "deserves" anything....the only thing you "deserve"......IS WHAT YOU EARN...!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU to build Soccer Stadium this summer
« on: April 26, 2012, 07:05:44 PM »
This will allow all 12 people who regularly go to soccer games, and the 14 who watch girls enjoy some of the best facilities in their Conference. :o ;)

And is it any wonder......why the country is going broke?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: 2012 FB starting times
« on: April 24, 2012, 11:02:57 PM »
Love YSU......but like 90% of Ohio residents.......I will watch the Buckeyes first......a Notre Dame game second......other Big TEN rival games 3rd.......and the great SEC game of the day,

BEFORE I would even think to to go downtown and miss any of those games mentioned.

An 8PM night game every Saturday, could make it possible for me to have the "Guins" be my nightcap.

Now if only their concession staff could "smile" once in a while!!!

And can't we get that menu expanded just a tad ?

It's a very weak and un-cordial menu and staff.

They are like the Jerry Seinfield "Soup Nazi" guy........take it (our limited menu and cold hot dogs)....or leave it.

(a "perk" for working for the "state".....allows one to be un-socialable.....and to keep your job, just as as long as you don't go "POSTAL" on someone. That PC mindset.....needs to change in the food delivery at YSU.

That's no way to run a run a business. Especially when you have great Italian restaurants around the area that can supply great food that are just few blocks away.

Want great "football" food.....?......go to a game at Fitch or Lowellville.......30 choices.....and all are great and HOT.

How can a couple HS's.....provide better food than a D1 college??

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Vargo: Throwing star
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:57:31 PM »
For what it's Italian guy's opinion, who grew up eating the Veal Parm (made by mom).....which will always be the best.......naturally.....

The three best places (eateries) eat the Veal Parm on this planet......are the Cafe Capre, the MVR, and the Elmton. No particular order. They all great in their own recipes.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Vargo: Throwing star
« on: April 17, 2012, 10:48:37 PM »
I dont think juniors are allowed to be recruited or sign anything...while id like to think she would be actively recruited when shes able to be...she is a national level athlete.  Its hard enough to keep talent in Ytown, its gotta be even harder to keep them when they have a free pass to wherever they please.

oh theres no doubt she's not going to YSU.  i have a close personal connection with her and her familly (wont say whom or how) and he has zero interest in YSU

Who does as a junior?  Its my opinion that the better athletes at YSU end up there...I dont particularly think most of them set out to go there.  But things happen, offers come and go, coaches get hired and fired.  If shes already ruled YSU out before recruiting even begins, id say thats quite unwise.

has nothing to do with Offers or Coaches, she just flat out doesnt like anything about YSU, the school, campus, surroundings, etc

The best strength and conditioning coaches at any level for track athletes in the Midwest (at least). I don't coach there but I know a couple who do.......and they know more about getting kids explosive than many "coaches" at bigger programs.

And i'm sure she would change her mind, if she coupled that fact with a great "piece of Veal Parm"....from the MVR, the Elmton, or Cafe Capri.

Why so little chatter. Nice game, nice weather, nice crowd.

That's an easy question, ........unfortunately......Many people....... like you, know the answer.

It's better to be liked, than disliked. You can "catch more bees with "honey" than you can with "vinegar".

There are many, many newcomers.......pissing a lot of alumni off.

Let's go GUINS!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Spring Game Info Released
« on: April 13, 2012, 12:55:42 AM »
I'm there......cheering on our "kids".

They have been busting their azzes............

Show up to support their efforts.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Vargo: Throwing star
« on: April 09, 2012, 11:11:07 PM »
Not only that Pizza, but until just recently ...they were all volunteers. The volunteers are the unsung heroes of so many sports here at YSU. Football, basketball, swimming. Heck, look at coach Antush in baseball. He worked with how many great YSU pitchers so far? He got us our first money games. Heck he worked his way into the head job at Marshall ..and they had a great program a one time. I mean we have never had a great deal of money, that is why I love it when the players come back to help because they (and the other volunteers are here because they love it.

Thanks.....for noticing. Truly I thank you.

At some point in time, decision makers....will appreciate it too!!

Numbers...don't lie. You get it done or you don't in Track and Field. It's not subjective. No "artistic" impression scores.

Well done by the "Olympic Sports" strength guys in the room (been the meeting and programming of many educated minds over 1-4 achieve that level). They deserve credit.....for obvious accomplishments.

Well done.

And my apologies to Seaver.....isn't it great that the "strength guys" in YSU's room can create the best 4 Throwers in the LEAGUE!!!

Congrats to all YSU athletes. A job well done....

And Merrill will always have his "place" on the WALL. Aaron was a YSU great!!

What a great opportunity for Chiclowe!!! A great get for YSU. And a great decision by this young man.

His future is "brighter" than he could possibly imagine.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Vargo: Throwing star
« on: April 06, 2012, 09:51:55 PM »
The Strength and Conditioning Coaches in charge of YSU's Throw's........are incredible.

Not just my opionion.......If I'm not mistaken.........YSU placed 1-2-3-4 in the "shot" at the Horizon League Tournament and Bobby Grace "WON IT ALL"..breaking a school record!!!

The group that has worked at YSU the past few years till now have done an incredible job getting their athletes explosive !!!!

And they keep them healthy!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Spring Camp Update
« on: April 05, 2012, 10:52:22 PM »
The kid has yet to play in a varsity game.

Judge him only when he does.....If he excels, credit him. If he is all "all show NO GO", it will be readily seen and quickly discovered.

D1 College football has a way of doing that.

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