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Messages - jbags

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: State of men’s basketball
« on: March 31, 2015, 03:40:19 PM »
Strollo is not the problem....just about every other sport is doing fine...yes, mens basketball is a mess but Ron is not just the basketball AD....if someone would supply the $$ then Im quite sure that our program would have a new coach for the men...we are really stuck because this staff is recruiting for a new staff next year and that is never a good thing...we should start over now because more than half the team has left and a new coach could hit the ground running by recruiting to his liking ansd wouldnt be expected to win right away with so many new faces...we need a major overhaul now

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Marcus Keene, Osandi Vaughn leaving YSU
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:30:00 PM »
the bottom line is this staff has really struggled to recruit reliable student athletes the past 2 years and now we are really stuck because of time for blame...just get it fixed

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: State of men’s basketball
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:44:45 PM »
bleak picture huh? good news is only 5 guys are on the floor at once and if 2 are true D1 players then you can improve immensely...we need to find 2 good players that stay for 4 years

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Marcus Keene, Osandi Vaughn leaving YSU
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:37:02 PM »
once again, I dont blame either one...Plummer never played as a freshman, started at the beginning of the season and wound up in the doghouse...Stewart was a highly touted JC kid that fell out of favor early...its not all Slocum's fault ...those 4 that left share some of the blame.. but something isnt right and it needs fixed...this wave of players that need to be signed must stay the course...we cant have this each year...guess we must hit the junior colleges hard

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Marcus Keene, Osandi Vaughn leaving YSU
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:17:11 AM »
Cleveland State will find room for him and we'll deal with him for 4 years....meanwhile we sign a kid from Louisiana thats good but will get homesick and leave after 1 or 2 years. Its not to build a program

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Marcus Keene, Osandi Vaughn leaving YSU
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:02:44 PM »
We better be recruiting Cleveland Central Catholic ' s Antan Lilliard

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Cheerleading
« on: March 30, 2015, 05:57:50 PM »
I wonder if all those who decided that cheerleader is not a sport really know how hard those ladies work...ask strength coach Cochran if he takes it easy on many stadium steps they run...or how many weights they lift to get ready for the people even K ow that they work all summer preparing for football season...try doing a standing back tuck sometime...If that's not athletic I don't know what is...add all that to never giving up in the face of adversity ...I've seen our teams give up before our cheerleaders do...cheering is a sport...believe it

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Marcus Keene, Osandi Vaughn leaving YSU
« on: March 27, 2015, 10:14:08 AM »
This can be fixed if the right guy comes in to run it. I guess our coach will be here another year before he retires so that makes it really tough to recruit. Kids dont come here because of the "brand", some schools never really recruit, they just choose. We are not that type of program. Kids come here to play for a coach they relate to, or its the only D1 scholly they received. They leave for basically the same reason, they lose trust in the staff that recruited them or they realize they cannot play at this level and want playing time. All of them come in thinking that they are better than they realize and when reality sets in they step out. It seems that we have signed 3 nice players but will they stay when a new staff takes over. We might find ourselves in the same boat this time next season. Right now we are stuck in a revolving door, going nowhere fast.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Marcus Keene, Osandi Vaughn leaving YSU
« on: March 26, 2015, 12:38:00 PM »
Just find it hard to believe that I used to stand in line 2 hours before games at Struthers Field House to watch a Division 2 YSU play Akron or Gannon or Philadelphia Textile. Or even believe that OU, Minnesota, Northwestern, South Alabama, LaSalle, C. Michigan, E. Michigan, Buffalo, Radford, Canisius ever came here to Beeghley. Now our home schedule has the likes of Warren Wilson, Thiel, and Hiram. I dont know what happened or even how to fix it, but somebody somewhere must have an answer. I just know I miss those days when I couldnt wait to see a game

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Marcus Keene, Osandi Vaughn leaving YSU
« on: March 25, 2015, 12:32:35 PM »
Just checked out Lourdes Univ website and see that Leroy King is on Dre's staff. Who better than 2 ex YSU players that understand this university and also what it takes to play at a mid major level, to turn this around. Id bet they both would jump at the chance.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Marcus Keene, Osandi Vaughn leaving YSU
« on: March 25, 2015, 12:07:20 PM »
Vaughn's quote proves my point exactly....we need a staff with contacts in Ohio and W. stay here for a season and if they dont see the court much or are too far away from home, they up and leave. We can fill a roster with guys like that over the years. Kudos to kids like DJ and Kendrick; kids that commit to a program even though they are a long way from home. Why do we need to recruit in Texas when we can find kids just as good much closer to Youngstown. Slocum coached a Gannon and won a lot of games there, it would interesting to see the make up of his squads there. Id be willing to bet that the majority of his players couldve played here. Its not like the talent level here has won much of anything since Rice left. These defections are becoming unacceptable. It seems to be the trademark of the past two regimes. Lets just build this the right way. Personally, I think Andre Smith (ex player) would be a fine choice to begin the turnaround

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Marcus Keene, Osandi Vaughn leaving YSU
« on: March 24, 2015, 03:50:41 PM »
For a guy that doesnt like to play freshman,,Slocum will need all 3 signees to play major minutes next year. Thats why Umude, Morse, and Nickels needed valuable time this year, but no. Slocum basically built his team around Weber and Keene the past 2 years and both have left. Isnt it about time we concentrate on Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh for the bulk of our recruits. No one can tell me we cant get some kids closer to the valley so they stay for 4 years. We need new, young leadership here. I understand why Slocum was hired (won at a lower level), but for every Hain and Perry, we lose double that. Something is wrong. Another awfully long year again next season.

Fred Thomas...DC at Walsh College

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: All Horizon Men
« on: March 05, 2015, 09:31:45 AM »
all I know is, we have had our share of players that werent division 1 by any stretch of the imagination but Bobby hain is not one of them. 1,000 points at this level in 3 years kind of proves that. Dont you think?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: All Horizon Men
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:28:10 AM »
sadly mistaken? 14 and 8 are pretty solid numbers for a kid who has to play to many minutes. Skilled for 6'9"..can step out and face the basket and shoot...uses either hand down explosion...slow from baseline to baseline is why we got him but not calling him a D1 player is a mistake my friend

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