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Topics - seanbryan3

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Thoughts and Feelings. Tressels morning tweet.
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:46:25 AM »
I have channeled my inner emotions and feelings all year because I though sh** would change. The arrogance and pompous attitude of Coach Wolford and Montgomery are unbearable. The Scalzo article was on point. Had a great time coming up to the YO yesterday and seeing my brother and the boys play, and spending time with all of them. Wolford has done very well with recruiting, but I just do not get what the hell happens on saturdays... A lot of turmoil I sensed yesterday, and a lot of kids unhappy. It is a shame the way this has all played out.. Very interesting tweet from Jim Tressel this morning, "He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander".. Very interesting, and very fitting today. Im extremely thankful for the career Christian had a Youngstown.. Over 100 receptions, Jerry Rice Award Finalist, Team Captain, impressive resume.. Christian was on the field for 7 plays yesterday, said part about it though is that he just wants to win. A player said it to me last night, "Christian went from absolute playmaker and the man, to barely on the field, and its f***ed up because he is the ultimate team player, and works his ass off to do anything he is asked to do". Im very happy the weather was clear yesterday, but slightly confused as to why Eric Wolford didn't have anything to say to any of the families as they walked their players out for the Pregame Senior recognition.  These players have done everything they are asked from him. I pray and hope we win in Fargo, but my confidence in the coaching staff, on the Offensive side, is just not there. Great group of players. Coach Wolford gave my brother a fantastic opportunity, and I thank him very much for allowing my brother to become a big part in the Youngstown Family, but there are times he makes me just scratch my head. I hope we pull it out next week and take down the Bison again, but we will just have to wait and see.  fb I try to see the positives and look at everything in the most positive way, but I'm struggling today.. As always though, let's go GUINS! Hoping for a W next week.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Mid Week Predictions for Ill State
« on: November 04, 2014, 01:47:21 PM »
Well its about mid week.. How do we feel this week. Some interesting things heading into this game so far.. Illinois State squeaked by Missouri State, Western Illinois, and Indiana State. Against Missouri State they trailed 7-6 heading into the 4th, and ended up winning 21-7.. Against Western Ill they trailed 24-6 at half, trailed heading into the fourth quarter, but had an explosive 24 point 4th to end up winning 37-34. Against Indiana State they trailed 10-6 heading into the 4th and won 20-18.. Some interesting scores that all could have went the other way, and this Illinois State could have possible 3-4 conference losses. Seem like a second half team team to me. Gonna be interesting next week.. If im not mistaken im pretty sure we put up 40 or 50 on this team last year, and it is not an entirely different football team. Getting excited.

YSU Penguin Athletics / SDSU In Game!
« on: October 25, 2014, 03:14:03 PM »
Are we the only school in the MVFC that is not able to draw a good crowd? Gotta love the routine early first quarter timeout by us. And every time they come out of the timeout we give up a first down.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Bryan Involved
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:36:39 PM »
I think it's time Bryan get's involved. Christian is now in the Top 10 in Youngstown History with Receptions with 106 catches, and also 13th all time in Touchdown Catches. I think it's time he get's involved and sees some action, not bias cause he is my brother, but his numbers have proven he is dependable. Very humble football player, who deserves some looks and more time on the field. Just my personal input, anyone else agree.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Western Ill game.....
« on: October 12, 2014, 12:40:49 PM »
Definitely a tough one to take yesterday. Not sure where to begin. Was feeling better at halftime, as we had taken the lead. But was a little disappointed how the first half ended, as we took timeouts to get the ball back before the end of the half, just to run the clock out?  Not sure. (Yet again I'm only 25, and I'm not Wolf, or the OC).  Seems like we didn't make any adjustments at halftime. They came right out and took it to us. The offense looked 100% out of sync yesterday. Ruiz and Webb have it their all as usual and did the most they could. As far as the passing game, couple drops were inexcusable, especially two of them on 3rd down and two them hit them right in the chest. Hey, on a positive note Christian Bryan was targeted once and had a big 24 yard reception down the center of the field, and Andre had a nice game as well. Flustering game to watch, and I think you guys agree. It was unfortunate the Defense couldn't make a quicker stop on that last series, but hey offense cannot disappear for quarters. Am I the only one to be flustered?

Hey guys, had some time off today from work, decided to make a little trailer video for this weekends game. Made the video, posted it to YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, and tagged to a good bit of the players on the team. Hope you enjoy, little mixture between last years highlights against Western Ill, and this years big plays. Not alot of hype videos out for the YSU football team, so figured I would make a little compilation of some videos and highlights and see what happens.

YSU Penguin Athletics / YSU- Stubbs or Bryan?
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:52:23 PM »
Is there a reason why we do not throw the ball to either Stubbs or Bryan? No drags or anything..?  Seems like we struggle after our first read on the offensive side of the ball. After the first minute of the game today I was excited as we scored in 3 plays and attacked, then it went back to the typical bullsh**. Great game though defensively though!  fb fb Go Guins, nice to be 4-1 at least.

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