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Topics - rayI09

Pages: [1]
YSU Penguin Athletics / wolford a potential candidate for BG job
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:31:07 PM »
toledo blade reports wolford may be a candidate for the BG job. can YSU fans be that lucky??

YSU Penguin Athletics / Scalzo Article
« on: November 28, 2013, 09:43:55 AM »
Great article written by Joe Scalzo in today's vindicator about Wolford. Also see his football report card.

YSU Penguin Athletics / what would be more significant?
« on: November 27, 2013, 09:47:58 PM »
What would be more significant for YSU and it' fans, a return to the FCS championship or an appearance in the NCAA basketball tournament?

YSU Penguin Athletics / when can we expect to hear about wolf's future?
« on: November 26, 2013, 02:28:08 PM »
three days after another disappointing year I wonder why we haven't heard from strollo if wolford will be back? will he be back without an extension? or will he be back with an extension and for how long?

scalzo said strollo declined interview requests Saturday after the game and sunday as well.

Does anyone have any insight into when we may hear something?

YSU Penguin Athletics / unhappy fans need to make their voices heard
« on: November 24, 2013, 01:16:07 PM »
All of us fans who are unhappy with the program have the ability to let strollo know how we feel. We dont have to sit silently and allow this program to continue to deteriorate. I would suggest each fan write a letter to strollo directly. If you want wolford fired let him know that. If you want strollo fired then write a letter to the president

This is the only way any of us can expect things to change.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Missouri State???
« on: November 24, 2013, 11:00:51 AM »
Does anyone know why we haven't played Missouri State the last two seasons? I just about forgot about that team.

If Wolford is back next season fans need to bring shovels and toilet paper with them to the games so they can clean up all of the BS that constantly comes out of his mouth. Or Wolford can hang a roll of toilet paper from the microphone on his headset and he can wipe it himself as he talks.

LET there be no doubt!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Ateendance for SDSU game
« on: November 21, 2013, 09:57:11 AM »
The weather for Saturday's game is supposed to be in the 30's with rain, so how many fans can we expect to be there for this pivotal game? A few thousand like the WIU game? or 10,000 or more?  I don't understand why people don't show up when it is co0ld or raining.  it doesn't matter if it is cold or raining in Columbus, people still show in force for Ohio State.

I get tired of the excuses people give for not going to YSU games.  I also get tired of hearing how much people in the Mahoning valley love football. if they did we would sell out stambaugh every week. I don't know why YSU football means less to this community than Ohio sate means to Columbus.

YSU Penguin Athletics / leave no doubt
« on: November 18, 2013, 04:48:27 PM »
isn't that coach Wolf's and the teams mantra this season? There leaving a lot doubt. What is with coach Wolf's obsession with the SEC? I know he coached there but for crying out loud he can't seems to finish an interview without talking about the SEC. maybe he and Spurrier had a closer relationship than just coaching

YSU Penguin Athletics / YSU NDSU game Prediction
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:37:19 PM »
YSU rolls to victory this Saturday. 31-13

YSU Penguin Athletics / Weekly press conference
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:15:55 PM »
Does anyone know where I can go to listed to the weekly press conference? I used to be able to listen to it on YSU's football website, but I can't find it on there this season. thanks

YSU Penguin Athletics / Attendance
« on: November 10, 2013, 01:04:47 AM »
Every year there are more and more oddballs showing up at fball and bball games and less normal looking people and less fans overall. Is ysu giving away free tickets to all the halfway houses on the northside? I guess strollo has to find a way to fill the seats somehow.

YSU Penguin Athletics / SUPER FAN
« on: November 10, 2013, 12:16:40 AM »
Anyone know whatever happened to SUPER FAN? he was as much a part of YSU's success in the 90's as anyone else.  It is about time YSU recognize SUPER FAN and honor him. The annual hall of fame game would be perfect time to do it! And when will YSU ever honor the greatest YSU player of all time - Ray Isaac. Everyone wants to talk about Brungard and Ryan and others but without Isaac there would be no YSU as we once knew it. Simply the best!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Why is YSU's Penguin upside down?
« on: November 05, 2013, 04:45:08 PM »
how come when you watch YSU football games on tv the penguin at midfield is upside down? Should the tv camera be on the other side of the field or is the penguin just upside down? I never seen this with any other team or field. Only YSU.

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