Message to 0505, your new name is now "Doom and Gloom" as "Mr. Negative" has already been taken. I like that.
Message to the rest of you, Jim Tressel (we are not a typical university - we are going reinvent ourselves to be what a university should be the 21st century. He is exactly what we need (have him sell naming rights to every door, room, hallway, street, building, sports area etc. - I hear BP is ready and willing to name the new Beegly). YSU needs to reinvent itself as a real university not a commuter school (you should not be allowed to apply to YSU as a marginal student - go to one of the two local community schools first). Build new buildings (get the new Nursing School building up), hire correctly (hire teachers/professors from the real world), control the unions (we are 8 million in debt - don't dare ask YSU for more money) (run off to professors who only exist to write textbooks, and not teach), continue the emphasis on research and development (like the Siemens Project), acquire more land (close off Lincoln Ave., create the new grass mall, etc)!
Message to Pita, "hon" don't worry about the comments made by "Doom and Gloom", I was criticized for a long period of time for my loyalty to Coach Robic (I know you hated his foot stomping) and I still stand behind my comments made in his behalf. He was very good to me and my family.