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AFGuin and Valley Talk thread

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I have no idea why I was thrown into this. Until he is gone, I, and just about every active poster, will continue to call him out for his factually incorrect comments.

Do what you see as fit, but please don't throw my name out there as being the instigator. I apologize if you view me as that IAAFan.


--- Quote from: ItalianPenguin on October 20, 2013, 09:11:27 PM ---1-AA, when this idiot attacks respected posters like Indy and Wick, it's time to take action. There's no room for this crap. What's going to happen is people are just going to stop posting here and this site will wind up like the other one did and die a slow death. Your move.

--- End quote ---
Just to clear something up. We had the choice of either moving to, continuing as our own site, or merging into here. We chose the third one as it was most beneficial for all parties. Our bread and butter was recruiting, we never had the upper leg in terms of message boards and we accepted that.

We hope those posters we had that have come here have brought more to the table and made this site even more active. We do not recall AFGuin ever being a member of our site, thus we can't enlighten you as to whether this is a common theme for him.

I believe he is in some other reputable boards and he may have been banned on them, see the two big HS boards in OH.

Best of luck!


--- Quote from: ValleyTalk on October 20, 2013, 10:04:05 PM ---I have no idea why I was thrown into this. Until he is gone, I, and just about every active poster, will continue to call him out for his factually incorrect comments.

Do what you see as fit, but please don't throw my name out there as being the instigator. I apologize if you view me as that IAAFan.

--- End quote ---

admits to being an instigator and asks for someone not to call him an instigator all in the same post, laughable.


--- Quote from: letsgoguins on October 20, 2013, 10:14:20 PM ---
--- Quote from: ItalianPenguin on October 20, 2013, 09:11:27 PM ---1-AA, when this idiot attacks respected posters like Indy and Wick, it's time to take action. There's no room for this crap. What's going to happen is people are just going to stop posting here and this site will wind up like the other one did and die a slow death. Your move.

--- End quote ---
Just to clear something up. We had the choice of either moving to, continuing as our own site, or merging into here. We chose the third one as it was most beneficial for all parties. Our bread and butter was recruiting, we never had the upper leg in terms of message boards and we accepted that.

We hope those posters we had that have come here have brought more to the table and made this site even more active. We do not recall AFGuin ever being a member of our site, thus we can't enlighten you as to whether this is a common theme for him.

I believe he is in some other reputable boards and he may have been banned on them, see the two big HS boards in OH.

Best of luck!

--- End quote ---

I, unlike Valleytalk, have never been banned from any forums

I think some boards deal with this using reputation badges.  It would probably help in this case because AF Guin would have little reputation and continue that way if he puts up false information.  I'm probablly not hitting the nail on the head here with that one.

AF Guin you don't have any legal rights on this board. It is privatley owned and operated by Dan. When you make statements like that paired with the use of incorrect grammar and profanity it makes you look like a mental midget.
Do your research or ask a question before laying out your opinion as fact.  You need to be conscious  of this when you post because you have that tendency.

This thread is ridiculous. I have to think that every fan board has a village idiot.  We had one on here a while ago and now it appears we may have a new one but he has the opportunity to correct his course and he has shown flashes of being a positive contributor but many times wipes out his progress with the preceeding issues mentioned above.

AF Guin, don't take things so personal because it makes you look as immature as you probably are. You have an opportuntiy to get respect even at your young age if you earn it and behavior reflects a more mature approach.


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