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Basketball Drops 71-68 Decision at Austin Peay in BracketBuster Game

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Pride--believe me there's nobody that wants to win more than I do. But you have to look at reality, especially when it comes to basketball. We are in a conference where NOBODY plays scholarship football but us. That means the other schools have much higher budgets than we do. And as I stated...if Slocum was brought back on a 9-21 record, you can rest assured he'll be back next year. For what we pay, he may be as good as it gets. Budget restraints are bad now, and probably not going to get any better soon under this Governor. Football got all the dough.

Big D:

--- Quote from: YsuPride on February 22, 2012, 06:10:33 PM ---Indy- When you are spending over a Million $'s on basketball then what is $100,000 grand going to do to you.  Nothing.  I don't think the extra $100k plus gets them the better players than we got.  Robert Morris plays in what some would say a h.s sized arena in a piss poor conference yet they beat us each year and win 20 plus games. 
--- End quote ---

You seriously don't have a clue.  Another 100K is almost 3 times YSU's current recruiting budget for basketball.  That means YSU's coaches can travel to more National AAU events to recruit instead of having to focus on regional events only.  I travel to most of the big summer events (I coach an AAU team).  YSU is the only HL team that isn't at all of the summer events.  The reason is your coaching staff cannot afford it.

In regards to Robert Morris, their coach has about a 10000X easier sales job at Robert Morris than he would have if he was trying to sell YSU to a recruit.  Robert Morris has a recent history of success.  I don't think YSU has had back to back winning seasons in the LIFETIME of most high school recruits.  Robert Morris has gone to the post season pretty consistently recently.  YSU has never played a post season game.  Robert Morris is in an absolutely great town: Pittsburgh.  YSU is in Youngstown.   Robert Morris plays in a small arena but they pack that little arena and they have loud loyal fans.  YSU plays in a mostly empty gym.  Can you see why a recruit might prefer to go to RM over YSU?

Big D-It is not easy to sell Robert Morris to recruits.  They don't fill the gym like you say.  Avg attendance is 1,400 with a 3,000 plus capacity.  Filled?   They only have recent history of winning because of coaches like Mike Rice and such.  I know Rice from his HS days at Boardman and have even spoke to him just when he was at RMU and he did say recruiting was very difficult at that school.   RMU has good coaches that can recruit and that is the difference.    If you say 100k is 3x our recruiting budget then we got some issues with the AD.  That is unacceptable.  Get rid of dead weight in our athletic dept to free up some cash and plus play at least 2 more money b-ball games and then the cash magically appears.   But that will never happen right?   I know Slocum will be given another year unfortunately so I guess we have to put up with this losing until he resigns.   

Big D:

--- Quote from: YsuPride on February 23, 2012, 08:45:11 AM ---Big D-It is not easy to sell Robert Morris to recruits.  They don't fill the gym like you say.  Avg attendance is 1,400 with a 3,000 plus capacity.  Filled?   They only have recent history of winning because of coaches like Mike Rice and such.  I know Rice from his HS days at Boardman and have even spoke to him just when he was at RMU and he did say recruiting was very difficult at that school.   RMU has good coaches that can recruit and that is the difference.    If you say 100k is 3x our recruiting budget then we got some issues with the AD.  That is unacceptable.  Get rid of dead weight in our athletic dept to free up some cash and plus play at least 2 more money b-ball games and then the cash magically appears.   But that will never happen right?   I know Slocum will be given another year unfortunately so I guess we have to put up with this losing until he resigns.

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RMU is over 70% capacity for league games.  They don't do as well for OOC games because they can't schedule good OOC teams to play at home.  Regardless, 1400 loud fans in a 3000 seat arena looks and sounds much more impressive than YSUs 2500 fans in your 6300 seat arena.  I have watched games at both places.  It's not even close in comparison.

In regards to recruiting.  Get a clue.  RMU is located in a great area to bring kids to.  Hell, they don't even have to drive more than 2 hours away to recruit if they don't want to.  They can recruit the Pittsburg/Philly area alone and make a great team with the 3rd and 4th tier talent from that area.  They have winning teams.  They compete for league championships.  They play in the NCAAs.  RMU is a very good PRIVATE school where you will get a great education.  YSU has none of those advantages.  Everyone in America knows where Pittsburg is.  Who in the hell has heard of Youngstown Ohio and who in their right mind would choose to live in Youngstown when they could pick Pittsburg.  YSU has no history of success to sell to recuits.  You are stuck recruiting primarily in Ohio due to your pathetic recruiting budget.  You have to compete against OSU, UC, X, UD, and all of the HL and MAC teams that recruit this area.  THE ONLY ADVANTAGE you could sell for YSU over RMU is that you are in a better conference and any recruit is going to look at that as a disadvantage because you have NEVER seriously been competitive in the HL.  Why would a kid want to go someplace that won't spend enough money to compete in their own conference when they could go to a place to win championships, get a better education, and live in a better area.

Hiring a new coach isn't going to get you any different results than keeping Slocum.  YSU needs to decide to make the same financial commitment to basketball as it did for football if you want to succeed.   As my high school coach used to say--you aren't going to win a gun fight when you go into it with a slingshot.

Last time I looked RMU is only 50 miles from y-town so I would guess we have the same recruiting area as they do.   We only have money to recruit Ohio but we recruit guys from Florida and Juco's all over.  You make a whole lot of sense then right?   I guess you can come up with all the excuses to not get rid of Slocum but his record here speaks for itself.  I wonder how many players will leave this year again so we can then sign YMCA talent at the last minute but we can blame that on budget and not the fact that his player turnover is his fault.  He recruits the best player for sure.


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