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TONIGHT at Beeghly: Basketball Hosts National Runners-Up Butler on ESPN

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Pita, let the clown have it good.  He or she cannot be a loyal Penguin YSU fan with the way he speaks.


--- Quote from: ItalianPenguin on February 13, 2012, 04:55:52 PM ---My name is not Ron and you only post negative after a loss and aren't heard from after a win. Thus the Paladin moniker. And it's well earned.

--- End quote ---

Wrong as usual.. I've posted plenty of positives after win's.  Sorry not the rah rah guy you all want on here. 


--- Quote from: Pita on February 13, 2012, 05:31:28 PM ---Big Red

IP is not telling a tale.  He is not Ron.  And you my friend are getting
on my last nerve with your slamming Coach Slocum.  Red, believe me,
he is a super Coach, can only play the hand that is dealt him.  I don't
care IF he did recruit the players.  How do you ever really know how
things will turn out.  Soooooo my friend, until we see you at Dom Rosselli
Court for a game, in the flesh, please don't slam our Coach.  We are not
one of those many big bucks colleges we do the best we can on as little
as we have.

Cheers my friend.  Tell your daughter to give you a dope slap for me.

--- End quote ---

 :-\ WOW!! Now this hurts.. but again I'm sorry I just can't be a supportive person all the time I'd like to see YSU on top and win something in the near future but something's just missing at the top. If you would have read some of the messages I've sent you'd know I don't talk to much to my daughter anymore.


--- Quote from: ELPENGUIN on February 14, 2012, 12:18:58 AM ---Pita, let the clown have it good.  He or she cannot be a loyal Penguin YSU fan with the way he speaks.

--- End quote ---

LOL!! good one.

Just a post in support of YsuBigRed.

He drinks the Kool-Aid,  just a bit diluted with water, like I do, but a true YSU fan nonetheless.

I've criticized Wolf on this board recently, so you're gonna tell me I am not a YSU fan?  Puh-leeze.

I like Wolf, sat behind him at the Butler game and we had a real nice conversation.  I still don't think his team was prepared for at least two games this year.  Whether that was him or the DC, the buck stops with Wolf.


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