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TONIGHT at Beeghly: Basketball Hosts National Runners-Up Butler on ESPN

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Tigertown Big J:
One game doesn't change the opinion.  Seven years to get a mediocre team in place is not good.  It's progress yes.  But still time for a new direction. 

Of course he comes back.

Do you fire a guy after the best season he has ever had?

We need a sugar daddy that will fund the bb recruiting.

Does Michael Bruno's son play basketball.

Whoever posted it, the people WILL come out if there is an even chance of winning.  I mean if you like hoops, you certainly can't be searching for any high school games to go to around here.  Horrible high school basketball.

With the additions and improvements to the campus, and with our resurgence this year,  hopefully a couple 6'8" kids will take another look.

Just don't forget we are up against it, being a football school in a basketball conference.

Hey! I deserve it, but how can you not be disappointed when they played so lackluster in front of 4,000 people against Butler.  Believe me, I'm  hoping beyond all hope that Slcoum turns this program around into a winner.  I want to see the stands full every night they play.  It's just that we've been suffering so long.  I used to go to the games back in the late seventies and mid-eighties when Dom and Mike Rice coached.  I want to see us progress as well as anyone else.  9-6 in the Horizon is tremedous for us.  I expect atleast two more wins, maybe three. Possibly a couple of tourney wins for good measure.  Hey! it's possible.

IAA Fan:
Now if everyone we play could be #1 in the conference ...life would be great ;)

Slocum deserves at least another year.  He needs to upgrade the recruiting expecially recruiting bigs.  The program is at least competitive and they put a good beating on one of the programs that I truly hate Valpo..they were nothing but cheaters in the other conference with us.  Are we a Butler, or a CSU, no.  Will we ever be,,,probably not...as long as we are spending low budget bucks it will be a crap shoot for us.


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