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TONIGHT at Beeghly: Basketball Hosts National Runners-Up Butler on ESPN

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Tigertown Big J:
Slocum has got to go.  I'm sorry, it's taken SEVEN years to put together a team that's slightly above .500.  And it's during the worst year top to bottom the league has had during that stretch.  That's unacceptable.  If the last couple of home games have proven anything, it's that people will support basketball here.  They won't support the last place team in the league, but they will support a team that is even mediocre.  It's time to blow this thing up.  This season should be the MINIMUM expectation of a season, not the celing for your progam.   Dump this guy and move on.


--- Quote from: Tigertown Big J on February 11, 2012, 10:23:15 AM ---Slocum has got to go.  I'm sorry, it's taken SEVEN years to put together a team that's slightly above .500.  And it's during the worst year top to bottom the league has had during that stretch.  That's unacceptable.  If the last couple of home games have proven anything, it's that people will support basketball here.  They won't support the last place team in the league, but they will support a team that is even mediocre.  It's time to blow this thing up.  This season should be the MINIMUM expectation of a season, not the celing for your progam.   Dump this guy and move on.

--- End quote ---
You don't "blow-up" a team that returns it's top three players for next year. Poor choice of words. Slocum will return, if he wants to.

Although Heacock had a much higher winning percentage than Slocum, there is a parallel between the two coaches.  Both men were capable of recruiting some very good players.  Remember that Heacock recruited both Hess and Cook.  Slocum recruited Perry and Allen (Eargle does not count since he just decided to come home.)  However, both men failed because they lacked the ability to recruit ENOUGH good players for their respective situations.  By the end of his tenure, Heacock was filling roster spots with guys that simply could not help us.  Likewise, just look at our basketball bench.  Heacock lost his job because of this deficiency, and Slocum should also.  But as IP noted, he won't.  I predict he will coach here for two more years, until Perry graduates.  He will then leave behind a basketball program that is a complete mess.

IAA Fan:
Our program has been a "mess" as long as I can remember. I have never been a huge basketball fan. Quite honestly, it is only because the Guins play it,that I even watch it. However, see a chance for consistent above average performance here with Slocum, and I want to see it. I cannot remember the last time I knew we could win compete with any team on our schedule ...as we do this year. Yes, our bench (and starters) have a problem with consistency ...but I see the team being able to focus more on defense next season, with some quality offense returning. With YSU and Valpo surging, we add so much to the conference. Next year, Butler will not be young, this is going to be an even more exciting conference to watch. Multiple NCAA & NIT bids are here for us (thanks to the past two seasons of Butler in the finals) ...with Slocum, I think we can do something.

YSU 71 Valpo 53.   Hello to all those who only whine after a loss. Hello DMorton. Hello Tigertown. And a big hello to Big Red, the modern day Paladin. Even you Wick, who I hold in high regard (unlike the aforementioned) You gave up too early.


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