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TONIGHT at Beeghly: Basketball Hosts National Runners-Up Butler on ESPN

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--- Quote from: Wick250 on February 10, 2012, 10:02:59 AM ---I would also like to thank Coach Slocum for his outstanding game preparation and his keen ability to motivate players at home in front of good crowds.  Late in the first half, I asked myself this question:  Why am I sitting here watching Larson and Chojnacki try to play basketball?  I subsequently answered my own question by leaving at half-time and thus saving myself twenty additional minutes of aggravation.

--- End quote ---

Sadly until the clown we have for a coach is gone and YSU can afford a quality D1 level coach you'll stay aggravated.

Carry on...

It seems like perpetual aggravation watching a big game with YSU basketball. I don't believe Chojnachi could play Div 3 basketball, Larson may play Div 2, but we have no back up big men as of this year. The big men currently recruited for next year are also perimeter players - doesn't look like sucess to me. :'(

Went to my first game of 2012 last night and was hugely disappointed.  Is Butler THAT much better than us?

I didn't think Butler played very well at all and they still cruised.  They do play great D though.

I ditto all the comments about our "bigs"?

Will we ever get a true post player to come here?

I don't know what to say about Slocum.  He obviously had the team prepared to win the games this year that we were underdogs in!

I have a question...all our bigs are very slight in stature, do we try to get them to bulk up? Or is that a basketball no no.

IAA Fan:
I am still in Slocum's camp. I expected to see something this year ...and I did. I am willing to accept the "took you long enough comments", but I think we need to respect what has been accomplished.

We played a strong offensive inside game in the first half. Then pushed them back in the second half. Our inability to adjust late in the first half took us out. Yes that is depth.


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