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TONIGHT at Beeghly: Basketball Hosts National Runners-Up Butler on ESPN

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Go Guins!  I hope we at least take one of two in this series.   

Wow, what if we go two for two?? 

Nice crowd, Butler played some good perimeter defense, FT hurt again.

Once again a chance in front of a big crowd with an opportunity to at least get people interested in the program, and slocum doesn't have the team ready to play.  How many damn drives to basket did we give up with virtually no inside presence once Eargle went out in the first half.  Damit get us some big men who know how to defend the interior
Eargle is not going to be around forever.    Valpo, Detroit and Wright coming up, yep there goes our chance at a home po game.

I would also like to thank Coach Slocum for his outstanding game preparation and his keen ability to motivate players at home in front of good crowds.  Late in the first half, I asked myself this question:  Why am I sitting here watching Larson and Chojnacki try to play basketball?  I subsequently answered my own question by leaving at half-time and thus saving myself twenty additional minutes of aggravation. 


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