YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Men's basketball at UIC - Thursday 8 p.m.

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From the Horizon League press release for today

a YSU squad that is 8-0 on the year when winning the battle of the boards.

Our success will depend, as usual, on our ability to hit  the three point shots and to stay out of foul trouble.  We had little trouble getting good looks against UIC in Youngstown.  Won't be that easy this time around.  But play with the same intensity that we showed in Milwaukee and we will be just fine. 

Go Penguins.  You CAN do this.

anyone else having trouble getting the video feed?


--- Quote from: ysuindy on February 02, 2012, 08:16:29 PM ---anyone else having trouble getting the video feed?

--- End quote ---

from looking at the UIC board the answer is Yes


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