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YSU defensive coordinator leaves

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Agreed, YSU45 is correct on his analysis.


--- Quote from: GoGuins on February 03, 2012, 09:56:20 PM ---
--- Quote from: YSUWildcat on February 03, 2012, 07:07:39 PM ---
--- Quote from: YSU45 on February 03, 2012, 07:05:09 PM ---Wildcat
Hes not a good coach. His Daddy is a good coach. He won't be the DC at YSU. I don't care about the records.

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yeah he's a fanastic coach
nobobdy gives a sh** if you care about the facts or not, the records still stand
you must have been a butthurt 3rd string bench warmer under him at Fitch

the FACT remains, Larry Kehres has not touched the D since his son took over

but keep trolling along, showing you dont know jacksh** what your talking about

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Not sure who you are, but 45 knows his stuff & played big time football for a National Championship team.  I'd say you're the troll.  Don't bash someone for giving their opinion

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--- Quote from: YSUGO on February 03, 2012, 10:10:58 PM ---Agreed, YSU45 is correct on his analysis.

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nope wrong
look at Kehres history in college, that says it all right there


ysu45 is full of sh** who was nothing more then a butthurt benchwarmer at fitch

not sure why so many morons think Kehres sucks when his college coaching history proves you 100% wrong

its ok its just another board where i automatically become the best poster, this is nothing new


--- Quote from: YSUWildcat on February 03, 2012, 12:51:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: Pizza on February 02, 2012, 10:54:55 PM ---
--- Quote from: YSUWildcat on February 02, 2012, 08:59:34 PM ---heard Vince Kehres (Larry Kehres is the HC, is son vince is the DC) is a canidate from Mount Union
would be absolutley shocked if he left

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If I'm not mistaken the "younger Kehres" left Mount for another D3 a year or two ago. To spread his wings a little. Mount Union is his final "destination location if he is smart". Why give up a gauranteed 15 year job....for a hell packed 2-3 gig at YSU?

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you are 100% Mistaken
been at Mount Union his entire coaching career

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Thanks. I wasn't sure. Maybe it was someone else on the staff...maybe not.

No matter, Kehres SR.....has found the "goldmine" or the "fountain of youth"....or strategy, to attract D1 and D2 level players to a D3 school.

Master salesmanship along with the great football coaching.

Let's face it. Alliance is not a "destination location". It ain't LA or Miami. They are doing sooooo many things right there.

Good for them.

As great as Mt Union's program is, YSU is not going to hire a DC from a small time program.  They'll go after a bigger fish


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