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Cleveland State game

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I read the Vindy article and one thing really sticks out..The HC..commented on the things that the kids didnt do right,  too much dribbling..etc...well Coach, obviously you didnt get the message across...Wolfford gets blasted for not preparing the kids..why give the Men's BB Coach a free pass on ...game day prep and gameday coaching...he needs to look into the mirror..it starts at the top!

Lets look on the bright side.....

5,000 (tickets over and above what is usually SOLD) x $8= $40,000
5,000 (Coca-Colas) X $2= $10,000

Should've been a nice payday for the Athletic Department....

Had they been competitive they probably would've average 4,500 for BUTLER and VALPO. 

I'm afraid this game COST the program $$$ money

Maybe the guy who is coaching the "girls" team, should be coaching the "guys" !!!


--- Quote from: Pizza on January 29, 2012, 10:20:31 PM ---Maybe the guy who is coaching the "girls" team, should be coaching the "guys" !!!

--- End quote ---
The girls are 9-11 and the guys are 11-9. What kind of logic would support your statement?


--- Quote from: YSUGO on January 29, 2012, 07:35:49 PM ---I read the Vindy article and one thing really sticks out..The HC..commented on the things that the kids didnt do right,  too much dribbling..etc...well Coach, obviously you didnt get the message across...Wolfford gets blasted for not preparing the kids..why give the Men's BB Coach a free pass on ...game day prep and gameday coaching...he needs to look into the mirror..it starts at the top!

--- End quote ---
I looked back at recent posts, Go and didn't see you give any credit for having the kids ready to play against Milwaukee or Green Bay. Or was that all the kids doing??


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