YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Firday 8 p.m. - Men's Basketball at Valparaiso

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This team will go nowhere unless they get a post presence. They can't defend in the post because Eargle gets pushed around like a rag doll and then on the offensive side, all they do is sit with the ball on the outside, wait for a screen, pass and then shoot. Never try and go inside to the post and off the ball screen, never give it to Eargle when he cuts to the hoop, and they cannot rebound at all. Kinda hard when your tallest player on the court is 6-7.... Horrible

What a disappointment tonights game is.  I thought if we beat Valpo,
as I expected us to do, perhaps we could possibly beat Butler on
Sunday.  My gosh, we were never in the game, no offense, no
defense.  I do believe I know, what the next necessary step has to be;
but I hate to think about it.

I was so encouraged prior to tonight.


We were rocked tonight.  Did you see the size and athleticism of the Valpo inside players.  Holy cow we are no match for this team.  Also, note that even with the size they had, they ran with us.  We also had no answer for their zone defense when they used it.  Out-stratagized and out-played.

I'm not surprised about what happened tonight. I expected it.

The downfall slide begins and reality sets in.  No bench and no size will kill us the rest of the year.  Sunday against Butler may be even worse because Butler has to win and we only have 1 day to prepare for them.
Interesting to see how we finish the rest of the season.   Slocum will probably get a 10 year extension from Strollo anyway because of his stellar winning %.


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