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Recruiting News..?

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These are the types of players jimmy tressel brought in to help him 4 titles. This kid deserves a shot and I hope it works out

IAA Fan:
Not completely true 0505 on Tressel, but a very good point. It is just that we took two of these guys last year. Cannot blame people for being nervous ... I certainly am. Then again, look at Guin-legend Marcus Mason. He was accused of theft, but came here & left a solid NFL prospect.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on January 31, 2012, 11:42:14 AM ---This one makes me real nervous.  I have a pessimistic view about human nature and believe that criminals can never be reformed.  Hope that I am wrong and this kid can be saved.

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I think you're wrong Wick. Lecter turned out OK!!!!!!


--- Quote from: ItalianPenguin on January 31, 2012, 02:28:09 PM ---
--- Quote from: Wick250 on January 31, 2012, 11:42:14 AM ---This one makes me real nervous.  I have a pessimistic view about human nature and believe that criminals can never be reformed.  Hope that I am wrong and this kid can be saved.

--- End quote ---
I think you're wrong Wick. Lecter turned out OK!!!!!!

--- End quote ---

Seen and heard of him running from the law a few times.  I don't think he's totally rehabilitated LOL!!

he will get a fair chance at ysu under coach wolf....the rest is really up to the kid....suggest he takes the opportunity and runs with it...


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