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Recruiting News..?

(1/18) > >>

what is everyone hearing about the new class of football recruits coach wolf is working on..?

I interpret the lack of early, public commitments (as opposed to ramblings on social networks) as a positive thing.  I hope it means we are going after studs that big time programs have on the "fall-back" lists.  When it becomes clear in a few weeks that the big-time offer will not be forthcoming for some of these kids, I hope that Wolford will be there to scoop them up.

IAA Fan:
We will know more on, or about, the 17th ...when we so who returns for Spring quarter. We do not have that many scholarships to give, we are pretty young & we extended ourselves last season.

And or we can recruit Compton, Cali.......that bastion of "character and class" real hard.

Yea,.....yea...that's the ticket....

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Pizza on January 06, 2012, 11:22:22 PM ---And or we can recruit Compton, Cali.......that bastion of "character and class" real hard.

Yea,.....yea...that's the ticket....

--- End quote ---

They are good JUCO program Pizza. Last time I checked Mill Creek Park was only a small part of Youngstown, so we have no room to talk about being Americas most beautiful city. Compton is an industrial area, just as we are. If I came from there I would be just as proud as I am from being from Ytown.  I remember quoting coach W ..."I am not a California guy" & thinking what an inexperienced comment that was to make. He was recruiting his first class. Now he sees that there are some great JUCO programs out West. We have had more than a few Penguin Greats come from Cali.


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