YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Beeghley Center review from stadiumjourney.com

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Lots of pictures, interesting commentary.  Truthfully kind of surprised some of the ratings are as high as they are.

Who is this character?  Considering that he showed up for that stupid Fredonia game (that I boycotted) and endured an empty gym, his comments were rather complimentary.  Interesting that he was impressed by the band.  The athletic department certainly is not.  Those Dana kids are quite good, but this outsider noticed the lack of coordination with the cheerleaders.  The band could be a "weapon" if our clueless staff would just shut off that stupid music box. 

The band is much improved, sometimes you need taped music though

On a side note this guy is clueless

A "pep" band is to do just that.  Pep up the crowd.  They played
taped music when the band was not there.  We do not need a
combination of BOTH.  PLUS, I do think the Pep Band should hold
a meeting with the Cheerleaders and sync the performance of both,
Having said all that....why, do they BLAST the music.  Just play the
music.  The Pep band is a wonderful addition to the Basketball games.
Eventually, as the team betters themselves, attendance will grow,
till then, us "old timers" are there.....so tone the music to us, not
the College kids WHO "NEVER" ATTEND THE GAMES.  Happy to
have the Pep Band enthusiasm...Thanks for your time.

Go Penguins


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